一、Dylan Thomas — 悲剧诗人的代表:- 威尔士诗人和作家。- 根据 John Brinnin 于1955年发表的传记《Dylan Thomas in America》,Thomas 以其放荡不羁和酒醉放纵的形象著称。二、Patti Smith — 纽约城的象征:- 美国歌手、作曲家、诗人、画家以及作家。- 被哈佛大学的 Stephanie Burt 描述为舞台上极具吸引力的...
‘You’re not Dylan Thomas,I’m not Patti Smith,this ain’t the Chelsea hotel,we’re modern idiots’你不是狄兰托马斯我也不是派蒂史密斯,这里不是切尔西酒店,你跟我只是现代白痴 哎呦我真笑得不行…她太有意思了……… û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的...
进出旅店电梯时,你永远都猜不到,今天会遇到的是哼着《So You Want to Be a Rock ‘n’ Roll Star》的朋克教母Patti Smith,还是满嘴酒味、步履蹒跚的大诗人Dylan Thomas。这里的房牌号已不只是简简单单的数字,更如同一串代号,连接着文艺史册里的一个个鲜活灵魂。 Room 442:Andy Warhol 波普艺术家Andy Warhol...
“I laughed in your face and said, ‘You’re not Dylan Thomas. I’m not Patti Smith. This ain’t the Chelsea Hotel. We’re modern idiots.” The internet is already full of speculation about what the Dylan reference means, and if Taylor is a fan of Dylan’s poetry & writing. Being...
除了上面提到的名人,卧虎藏龙的 Chelsea Hotel 就像乌托邦伊甸园,艺术家们住进来,灵感仿佛都能信手捻来;其他房客还包括摇滚桂冠诗人 Patti Smith、庞克天团 Ramones 的 Dee Dee Ramone 和庞克摇滚硬汉 Iggy Pop 等,当然还有至今仍争议不断,Sex Pistol贝斯手Sid Vicious 谋杀女友 Nancy 的黑历史;每扇房门后都有它...
Patti Smith is a great fan of Bob’s songwriting, and vice versa. “have you seen dylan’s dog it got wings it can fly if you speak of it to him its the only time dylan can’t look you in the eye have you held dylan’s snake ...
Supporting act: Patti Smith Ticket price: $65 (Australian) Tickets will go on sale Thursday, June 25 at 9 AM through Ticketek Ticketek phone number: (0)2 9266 4800 Pre-concert Gathering Reviews(thanks to Tony Hunter, Stephen Crump, and Carsten Wohlfeld) ...
1 - Patti Smith & Bob Dylan - Dark Eyes - (William Henry Prince) by William Henry Prince 2 - Two Bobs and a Mule Dylan Birthday Bash, Victoria, BC Canada Friday, May 24th - (Expecting Rain) from Eric DeBeck 3 - Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music Celebrates Dylan's Birthda...
10 -Must-See London Gigs: Patti Smith, Hot Chip, Bob Dylan, Sisters- (blouinartinfo) from Scott Miller 11 -Dylan Lyrics at Auction- (Fine Books) from Scott Miller Other 12 -Will we see Beyonce in Israel in the near future? Don't count on it- (The Jerusalem Post) from Dean ...
In any case not long previously both the few and the many had been dumbstruck by Patti Smith’s performance ofA Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall: an object show of letting the work speak for itself. So here was a gnomic, carefully sideways engagement with the terms of the award: Dylan eating...