is if you can get past the obstacle course at the border, you’re essentially home free. You have pretty much unrestricted access to our labor market and there are employers out there eager for your labor.” Episode 4 About six million illegal migrants are now working in the US. The meat...
Unit:10DyingtoGetin BackgroundNotes IllegalImmigration:itreferstoimmigratingacrossnationalbordersinawaythatviolatestheimmigrationlawsofthedestinationcountry.Butinpoliticsitmayexpressalargersetofsocialissuesinareassuchas;economy,socialwelfare,education,health,slavery,prostitution,crime,legalprotections,publicservices,and...
Unit:10DyingtoGetin BackgroundNotes IllegalImmigration:itreferstoimmigratingacrossnationalbordersinawaythatviolatestheimmigrationlawsofthedestinationcountry.Butinpoliticsitmayexpressalargersetofsocialissuesinareassuchas;economy,socialwelfare,education,health,slavery,prostitution,crime,legalprotections,publicservices,and...
Audio-Visual ClassesUnit: 10Dying to Get in
(2001) 2001年06月01日 (加拿大) 纪录 CCTV6官网视频平台 下载App 演职人员7 导演Robin Benger 编剧Robin Benger 全体演职人员名单
Unit 10 Dying to get in Two weeks ago,PresidentBush toured the southwest and promised to spend more than ever before to stop illegal immigrants from crossing our 2,000-mile border withMexico.It’s not the firsttimeapresidenthas pledged to do that.In thereearly90s, theClintonadministration also...
Dying to Get In Dying to Get In 电影基本资料剧情简介 中文名:Dying to Get In 英文名: 地区:加拿大 导演: Robin Benger 主演: 编剧: Robin Benger 制片: 上映日期:2001年06月01日 内地票房: 电影类型:纪录 大家印象:
新增资料 | 资料纠错 | Dying to Get In(2001) 加拿大 | 纪录 6.7 力荐 0看过 0 片名Dying to Get In 上映时间2001年06月01日(加拿大) 导演Robin Beng... 又名Dying to Get In 编剧Robin Beng... 演职人员(7) Robin Benger 导演 编剧
Dying to Get In (2001) 基本信息 演职人员 相关推荐 导演 Robin Benger 编剧 Robin Benger 音效 Teresa Morrow Timothy Muirhead Brian Nevin Richard Spence-Thomas 音乐 Donald Quan 关于我们 | 网站地图 | 诚聘英才 | 版权声明 | 联系我们 帮助与反馈 | 友情链接 | CCTV6广告招商 电影频道节目...