Moonraker Multi-Band End-Fed Long Wire Antennas with a 9:1 Unun Ideal for the WARC bands Shop Now! MFJ Monoband Mobile HamTenna Whip 20% OFF while supplies last Shop Now! DX Engineering Yagi Mechanical®Antenna Design Software Download ...
ICOM AH-4 antenna tuners are specially designed to automatically tune a long-wire antenna for portable or mobile HF/50 MHz operation. The "PTT tune" function provides for simple operation when band-changing. Note: For additional information, please look at the files under the "Documentation" ta...
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The antenna picked up Radio Eule from Munich on 1500 kHz, however. A very nice catch and almost worth the effort of pulling out a 400 metre long antenna wire The power of this transmitter is just 10 watts! Their signal faded in and out for many hours on the first night with occasionall...
LOMA ENGINEERING METAL DETECTOR 13-1/2X5-1/2IN OPENING 110V-AC D243136 LOMA ENGINEERING METAL DETECTOR 17-3/4X3IN OPENING 110V-AC D243130 Loma IQ systems Metal Detector Long (55") Swing Prism Borescope Long range gold detector filter reflector gold aura Longo General Electric 200 HP Motor...
An old post by John Doty about effects of noise in longwire antenna. Hits: 1671 Improve your Antennas for Low Solar Activity How to improve your transmitting antennas for very low solar activity periods vertically polarized 160 ... By: CTU Hits: 442 ...
Home Everything Antenna Amateur Base HF Wire Antennas RadioWavz DX OCFD (Windom)Sort by: DX OCFD (Windom)RadioWavz DX80HP High Power DX80 80 Meter Off Center Fed Dipole Windom $199.00 Compare Add To Cart RADIOWAVZ G5RV-JR G5RV Junior - 51 feet Across The Top - 40 thru 6 ...
Power Engineering 112 KVA Transformer 480 D/240 Power Magnetics 100 KVA Transformer Power Magnetics Inc 200 KVA Transformer Power Measurement P75A0A0A0A Operator Interface Panel 85-240V WOW POWER MEASUREMENT P8600C0C0H5E0A0A USPP P8600C0C0H5E0A0A POWER MEASUREMENT P8600C0E0H5E0A0A USPP P8600C0...
Also, you will want to be very careful about the antenna wire, which is attached to the antenna which is attached to the back of the case. I don't know why (I think it's an engineering flaw, myself) but such is life. It's very thin and fragile. Well, it's not really that ...
Antenna. T2FD. EWE JW Jonathan Wood, Mosgiel, Yaesu FRG-7, inverted L antenna pointed NNW. KAB Ken Baird, Christchurch, Kenwood R5000, R1000, 18m Wire, SW Eavesdropper KB Kelvin Brayshaw, LEVIN. ATS-909, Coax loop. PP Phil van de Paverd, Auckland, AOR 7030, 12.5m EWE ...