Ham radio antenna, transceivers, coax cable & other amateur radio gear. DXE carries top ham radio brands including Yaesu, Kenwood, ICOM, MFJ, Butternut & more.
COMPACtenna 2M/440+ Optimized High Performance Dual-Band Ham Radio Antenna DXE Part Number: CAN-2M-440PLUS Mobile Antenna Type: Dual-band Mobile Mounting Base Included: No Mobile Antenna Base: NMO Antenna Color: Black Fold-Over: No Mobile Antenna Height: 9.000 in. Magne...
Amateurs everywhere now have the ability to experience this exciting hobby like never before. With a monumental amount of research, engineering, and planning we have made the best remote operating experience on the internet today. Just sign-up and gain instant access to stations all over the glob...
SDRAntenna 2.WidebandRXAntenna,1.8-30MHz PixelTech.DXEngineering LoopActiveHorizontal RFPro-1B:ARAH3-1PE: Dayton2014 5 Software 3.CWSkimmerorSkimmerServer Dayton2014 6 CWSkimmerbyVE3NEA WorkswithmanySDRs DecodesmultipleCW signalsinrealtime CanmonitorentireCW band WaterfallDisplay UsesMASTER.DTA Telnet...
V/s Greg Gade, Director of Engineering: GregGade@clearchannel.com Greg also sent his business card and some copies of old KFAB literature including an announcement of their 1st anniversary celebration in 1925. (Al Muick, via Glenn Hauser's DXLD Yahoo Group) 1230 KSGG Reno NV slogan is ...
System Memory – 2GB DDR3 Storage – SATA interface, SD card socket Display Output – VGA up to 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz Networking 10/100M Ethernet RJ45 port Optional additional Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 port Optional WiFi via USB 2.0 port, and external antenna ...
distribution,anddecompilation/reverseengineering.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedin anyformbyanymeanswithoutpriorwrittenauthorizationofClear-Com,anHMECompany. Clear-ComOfficesarelocatedinCalifornia,USA;Cambridge,UK;Montreal,Canada;andBeijing, China.AddressesandcontactinformationcanbefoundonClear-Com’scorporateweb...
In recent years, invisibility has become an area of increasing research interest due to advances in materials engineering. This research work by the UEx, which has been published in Scientific Reports by the Nature Group, has explored the electromagnetic properties of specific materials which can mak...
Thank you for purchasing and using the Chameleon AntennaTM High Frequency (HF) Portable Loop Antenna 2.0 (CHA P-LOOP 2.0). This is an exciting new product from Chameleon AntennaTM and you are now part of the magnetic loop HF antenna craze that is sweeping the amateur radio community. ...
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