突发事件:DWP福利削减公布- PIP发生重大变化 重大改革将收紧个人独立支付(PIP)的资格,从而从福利账单中节省数十亿英镑。 就业和养老金大臣告诉国会议员,从托利党继承下来的社会保障体系“辜负了那些本应得到帮助的人,阻碍了我们国家的发展”。肯德尔表示,数以百万计的人被福利困住了,得不到好工作所能带来的尊严。 但...
Most of the successful bidders forfive regional contractsto provide work capability assessments (WCAs) and assessments for personal independence payment (PIP)were awarded three months ago. Together, the contracts will be worth more than two billion pounds over the five years from 2024 ...
In advance of the meeting, the DWP partnership adviser had been shown the link to aDisability News Service (DNS) articlewhich reported suggestions that ministers were considering creating a new single benefit through merging PIP and universal credit. He appeared to confirm that when he told the ...
with daily reports being exposed by the national news, so let's hope that the new coalition government may have different ideas of how to commit British Forces. Clearly, the nation's concerns are with the injured servicemen/women, and all possible help and support should be given to them an...
Disability News Service (DNS) learned of the delays after being contacted by a disabled woman who had spoken to a call handler at a DWP PIP enquiry centre. Caren Knight, from Norwich, had requested a PIP award review form because her health condition had worsened since her original claim in...
One DUWC adviser tried four times over a two-week period to get through to PIP alongside a disabled claimant. Hunt said: “On the first attempt, the client, who has caring responsibilities, had to leave the advice centre after 90 minutes on hold. ...
Only last week, DWP refused to say how many disabled people who need support to take medication and monitor their health condition would be likely to receive backdated personal independence payment (PIP) following another serious legal error by the department. ...
Philippa Day, who had agoraphobia, appears to have killed herself after hearing hours earlier that her repeated pleas for her personal independence payment (PIP) assessment to be held in her own home had been rejected. Her death is the latest in a long line of tragedies...