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Met Office spokesman Stephen Dixon said temperatures could drop to -12C in rural parts of Scotland and -7C in rural parts of Wales on Wednesday night. You can see the weather forecast for your area using the Sky News tool below: Check the weather where ...
The Guardian first reported the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) was considering the change, alongside other tweaks like exempting parents of disabled children and parents in work, and increasing child benefit payments for parents of young children. The paper als...
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A benefits claimant has said he is 'panicked' after being 'less than honest' with the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ).The claimant's child told how their dad is… Posted by News Agencies March 1, 2025 Posted inWorld Should you do more reps or lift heavier weights? A trai...
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Written by our team of specialist procurement lawyers, we bring you updates and commentary on the latest procurement law news affecting anyone who deals with public procurement as part of their role.
Latest news, sport and events from around Plymouth. Including opinion, live blogs, pictures and video from the Plymouth Live team, formerly Plymouth Herald.
12 DWP, benefit and money changes coming in March including train fare rises Your Money Bookmark Spring arrives early in Cornwall as stunning pink blooms suddenly appear Lost Gardens of Heligan Bookmark Faulty Longships lighthouse foghorn going off every 13 seconds for six days ...