The Guardian first reported the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) was considering the change, alongside other tweaks like exempting parents of disabled children and parents in work, and increasing child benefit payments for parents of young children. The paper als...
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Pat McFadden, the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, is speaking to Sky News this morning. He is first asked about the outbreak of violence in the Middle East overnight, with Israel resuming deadly strikes on Gaza. McFadden says the government will "use whatever diplomatic evidence ...
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DWP PIP warning to one million people after Tuesday's announcement UK & World News Bookmark 'Handy man', seven, 'terrifies' mum renovating home with power tools UK & World News Bookmark Hottest day coming as we hit 21C - warmer than Spain and Greece ...
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Take the DWP new PIP test after it was leaked online - see how the questions have changed Bookmark Countdown to lockdown: Covid in the news on March 22, 2020 Coronavirus Bookmark DNA kit that found woman's siblings she 'didn't know existed' now better than half-price ...
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