读取格式 在接收描述符(读取格式)中,如果缓冲区地址字段全部为0,则DWC_ether_qos不会将数据传输到该缓冲区,并跳到下一个缓冲区或下一个描述符。 RDES0 RDES1 RDES2 RDES3 回写格式 RDES0 RDES1 仅对最后一个描述符有效(设置了RDES3[28]) RDES2 RDES3 接收***上下文描述符 见手册21.6.3 只有DMA能...
基于DWC_ether_qos的以太网驱动开发-无OS环境移植LWIP 2023-09-06 1871 基于DWC_ether_qos的以太网驱动开发-LWIP的堆管理介绍 2023-09-08 1596 以太网描述符ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN异常 2022-07-07 0 基于DWC_ether_qos的以太网驱动开发-数据流验证过程 2023-08-31 2382 基于DWC_ether_qos的以太网驱动开发...
dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,p_ctrl.phy_addr,3,1,&c45reg,p_ctrl.clk); printf("PS1R=%xrn",c45reg); c45reg = 0; dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,p_ctrl.phy_addr,3,20,&c45reg,p_ctrl.clk); printf("EEECR=%xrn",c45reg); c45reg = 0; dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,...
dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,p_ctrl.phy_addr,3,1,&c45reg,p_ctrl.clk); printf("PS1R=%xrn",c45reg); c45reg = 0; dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,p_ctrl.phy_addr,3,20,&c45reg,p_ctrl.clk); printf("EEECR=%xrn",c45reg); c45reg = 0; dwc_mdio_c22readc45(p_ctrl.unit,...
DWC_ether_qos_databook.zip_dwc_dwc databook_ether MAC databook_q synopsys ether MAC IP databook 上传者:weixin_42652674时间:2022-09-23 dwc-ether-mac10-100-universal.docx The DesignWare Ethernet MAC 10/100 Universal intellectual property (IP) core implements the link layer of an Open System...
Cellulose Ether Polymers as Optical Compensation Films for LCDs-High Birefringence and Tunable OpticsLCDETHOCEL? ethylcellulose polymers from Dow Chemical provide an alternative material to tri-acetyl cellulose (TAC) for LCD retardation films to increase viewing angle and contrast through its unique ...
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The Synopsys 200/400G and 800G Ethernet MAC and PCS IP solutions enable a host to transmit and receive data over Ethernet. The PCS IP is optimized for low latency and supports multi-rates for up to 8-lane and 1024-bit architecture, offering different interfaces and implementation tradeoffs. ...
对于DWC Ethernet QoS驱动的编写来说,初始化完成之后,核心操作就是DMA的描述符链表配置(linked list of descriptors)。DMA根据描述符链表自动在FIFO和用户指定的缓存之间搬运数据。对于熟悉新思的IP的用户来说,这种套路会有似曾相识的感觉,没错新思的大部分高速IP的数据流都是这么处理的,比如在DWC2 USB的IP中就是Sca...