gluten, glutenins, physicochemical properties, Triticum turgidum subsp. durum, proteinsAn electrophoretic study of the glutenin proteins of durum wheat was undertaken using 102 breeding lines to investigate possible associations between these proteins and gluten strength. The low-molecular-weight glutenin ...
Finally, the nongluten proteins are albumins and globulins. The former are the smallest wheat proteins, followed in size by globulins, and it is covalently bound into the glutenin matrix. Minor Elements Lipids, nonstarch polysaccharides, enzymes, vitamins, pigments, and minerals are present in ...
With the aim of identifying durum wheat landraces (LR) with a potential use in breeding programs for gluten strength enhancement, the allelic combinations present at five glutenin loci were determined in a collection of 155 LR from 21 Mediterranean countries. A set of 18 modern cultivars (MC) ...
Durum flour is called “durum” because it is made from a hard variety of wheat called durum wheat that’s high in protein and gluten-rich. The word “durum” comes from the Latin word “durus,” which means hard. Durum wheat is primarily grown in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, ...
A Decapeptide from Durum Wheat Prevents Celiac Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from Activation by Gliadin Peptides MARCO SILANO, RITA DI BENEDETTO, ANTONELLO TRECCA, GIOACCHINO ARRABITO, FABIANA LEONARDI, AND MASSIMO DE VINCENZI Division of Food Science [M.S, R.D.B, F.L., M.D.V], Human ...
Quality, specifically protein content and gluten strength are among the main objectives of a durum wheat breeding program. The aim of this work was to validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with grain protein content (GPC) and gluten strength measured by SDS sedimentation volume (SV) ...
CanadaGluten strength is one of the factors that determine the end-use quality of durum wheatand is an important breeding target for this crop. To characterize the quantitative trait loci(QTL) controlling gluten strength in Canadian durum wheat cultivars, a population of 162doubled haploid (DH) ...
1995a. Separate effects on gluten strength of Gli-1 and Glu-3 prolamin genes on chromo- somes 1A and 1B in durum wheat. J. Cereal Sci. 21:137-144.Ruiz, M., Carrillo, J.M., 1995a. Separate effects on gluten strength of Gli-1 and Glu-3 prolamin genes on chromosomes 1A and 1...
Durum wheat, (species Triticum durum), hard wheat (q.v.) producing a glutenous flour. The purified middlings of durum wheat are known as semolina, used for pasta
durum wheat; dough strength; glutenin subunits; gluten strength; HMWGS; LMWGS1. Introduction Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desaf.) (2n = 4x = 28) is one of the earliest domesticated plants worldwide. It was introduced in the Mediterranean Basin ~2000 years ago as a staple food and has ...