Degradation and presentation of bacterial antigen taken up by gill-epithelial antigen sampling cells during bath-vaccination in rainbow troutdoi:10.1016/j.dci.2023.104964Goshi KatoTokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, JapanYumiko Nakayama...
T cells sensitized previously by pulsed macrophage (1 degree APC) were cultured in mixture with macrophage pulsed by same antigen (2 degrees APC). An antigen special lymphocyte transformation test in vitro was used to evaluate the antigen presentation ability of spleen macrophage from mice of late...
Telomerase activity is not readily detected in resting human T lymphocytes, however upon antigen presentation, telomerase is transiently upregulated. Presently, it is not known if telomerase activation is necessary for the proliferation of T cells or for the maintenance of telomere lengths. In this ...
Antigen presenting cellsAntigen processingThis is a brief summary of our studies of NOD autoimmune diabetes examining the events during the initial stage of the process. Our focus has been on antigen presentation events and the antigen presenting cells (APC) inside islets. Islets of non-diabetic ...
including through cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens, can produce high levels of IFN-IIIs in response to certain viral-type stimuli [1]. Thus, during viral infections, different pathways can promote the production of IFNs in the host, raising the question of their redundancy or compl...
‘non-self’ antigens, the host immune system requires the participation of receptors of immune cells. TCR of T and BCR of B lymphocytes can recognize allogeneic ‘non-self’ MHC antigens, leading to the activation of T and B lymphocyte-mediated rejection. However, the mere involvement of ...
(Fig.2gand Supplementary Fig.3b). To analyze the expression changes of AT2 aging genes, we combined the TCA method (cluster 5) and the analysis of T5/T4 DEGs. GO analysis revealed that AT2 had reduced antigen processing and presentation ability, decreased surfactant homeostasis, and increased ...
The role of cytokine balance and lipid antigen presentation in the development of diabetes was studied using immunohistochemistry of cytokines in the pancreas of non-obese diabetic mice (NOD) and BALB/c mice at various ages. In both the NOD and BALB/c mice, interleukin 10 (IL-10) was expres...
‘non-self’ antigens, the host immune system requires the participation of receptors of immune cells. TCR of T and BCR of B lymphocytes can recognize allogeneic ‘non-self’ MHC antigens, leading to the activation of T and B lymphocyte-mediated rejection. However, the mere involvement of ...
we assessed the presentation of WT and C3 KO mice following HSV-1 infection using spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SP-OCT) and found the corneas of the C3 KO mice to show a trend for greater edema than their WT counterparts at day 5 and 7 pi (Supplementary Fig.1S). However...