Role of diffusion rotation of molecules during absorption from excited statesNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF00619664V. A. GaisenokI. I. ZholnerevichA. M. SarzhevskiiKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersJournal of Applied Spectroscopy
We move to examine the possibility that crowding of the FP from outside, above a given FVO value, could introduce degrees of freedom in the vicinity of the fluorophore group inside the FP, which could enhance the non-radiative de-excitation pathway. If internal degrees of freedom are introduce...
It is concluded that some of the incident TEGa molecules pyrolyze into Ga atoms and migrate on the surface, that the others migrate as Ga alkyl molecules and pyrolyze at the steps or kinks, and that the diffusion lengths of Ga alkyl molecules are longer than those of Ga atoms....
13 At the end of engulfment, ∼40 FisB molecules accumulate at the neck into an immobile cluster to catalyze membrane fission. Here, we investigate the relationship between forespore inflation driven by DNA translocation and the membrane fission event that releases the forespore into the mother ...
crystal, which could include lattice misfits, trapped solvent molecules, or ligands associated with the growth. All of these contribute to strain. We introduced strain by using differential stress with a null CTE on one side of the interface and a negative CTE on the other. A second FEA ...
where\(c_{V}(\vec{x},t)\)represents the concentration of VEGF, andαMV,ϵM, andDMare the secretion rate, decay rate, and diffusion coefficient of MMPs. The Kronecker-delta expressions state that cells only secrete MMPs at the lattice sites they cover, while the ECM is only degraded ...
Why do hot molecules move faster than cold molecules? Using the first law of thermodynamics, explain why the total energy of an isolated system is always constant. Explain why the velocity of sound is greater in solids than in gases. It is unlikely that a pr...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
We represented protein activity in the form of reaction-diffusion equations, which allowed us to apply the principles of pattern formation in biological morphogenesis to cellular-level dynamics and investigate the spatiotemporal activity of GTPases. The output of our model has the same format as ...
On-line HDF indeed associates diffusive clearance with convective clearance using high-flux membranes to achieve better removal of middle molecules, some of which are also considered as uremic toxins. This process seems to improve the morbi-mortality of maintenance hemodialysis patients if a large conv...