We move to examine the possibility that crowding of the FP from outside, above a given FVO value, could introduce degrees of freedom in the vicinity of the fluorophore group inside the FP, which could enhance the non-radiative de-excitation pathway. If internal degrees of freedom are introduce...
Surface diffusion of Ga molecules during the MOMBE (metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy) growth of GaAs using TEGa (triethylgallium) was studied by measuring the RHEED (reflection high energy electron diffraction) intensity oscillations on the (001) GaAs vicinal surface. It is found that the ...
Role of diffusion rotation of molecules during absorption from excited statesNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF00619664V. A. GaisenokI. I. ZholnerevichA. M. SarzhevskiiKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersJournal of Applied Spectroscopy
13 At the end of engulfment, ∼40 FisB molecules accumulate at the neck into an immobile cluster to catalyze membrane fission. Here, we investigate the relationship between forespore inflation driven by DNA translocation and the membrane fission event that releases the forespore into the mother ...
crystal, which could include lattice misfits, trapped solvent molecules, or ligands associated with the growth. All of these contribute to strain. We introduced strain by using differential stress with a null CTE on one side of the interface and a negative CTE on the other. A second FEA ...
where\(c_{V}(\vec{x},t)\)represents the concentration of VEGF, andαMV,ϵM, andDMare the secretion rate, decay rate, and diffusion coefficient of MMPs. The Kronecker-delta expressions state that cells only secrete MMPs at the lattice sites they cover, while the ECM is only degraded ...
where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off might great go come since against right came take states...
To understand the regulatory mechanism of these dynamics, we developed a computational framework to model cell morphodynamics coupled with a reaction-diffusion representation of GTPase activity in the cell. Using this framework, we showed that the regulation of cell edge velocity by kinetic rates of ...
On-line HDF indeed associates diffusive clearance with convective clearance using high-flux membranes to achieve better removal of middle molecules, some of which are also considered as uremic toxins. This process seems to improve the morbi-mortality of maintenance hemodialysis patients if a large conv...
Two independent transport processes from the gas phase to the SiOH and SiOHAl groups were identified, which share a common pre-adsorbed state on the external surface of the H/ZSM-5. The equilibration of the molecules in the pre-adsorbed state is fast compared to the sorption rates on ...