Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to durable goods:Durable Goods Orders pl n (Commerce) goods, such as most producer goods and some consumer goods, that require infrequent replacement. Comparedisposable goods,perishables. Also called:durables Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
Looking for specialized, safe patient or bariatric medical equipment? Call Clinical Solutions today at 1-877-600-0260 to order.
durable medical equipment Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Financial,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. [e-kwip´ment] necessary tools or provisions. durable medical equipmentnonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators...
equipment (redirected fromDurable medical equipment) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Acronyms Wikipedia [ə′kwip·mənt] (engineering) Oneormoreassembliescapableofperformingacompletefunction. McGraw-HillDictionaryofScientific&TechnicalTerms,6E,Copyright©2003byTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc. ...
We'll help you find the medical supplies and health care products you need. From bandages to scooters to hospital beds, we've got it! Located in Jupiter, FL. We're a DME (Durable Medical Equipment) supplier with stocked showroom offering rentals and sale
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate hospital practices for the management of unwanted durable medical equipment (DME) and to understand how health care providers conceived of their role in preventing DME waste. In order to fully identify opportunities for DME waste prevention, we...
Related to durable: Durable medical equipmentdu·ra·ble (do͝or′ə-bəl, dyo͝or′-) adj. 1. a. Capable of withstanding wear and tear or decay: a durable fabric. b. Made to withstand repeated use over a relatively long period, usually several years or more: durable goods ...
and knows the bed has been delivered in good working order. (6)What makes you different from other Los Angeles hospital beds stores and medical bed companies? What sets “Hospital Direct Medical” apart from other Los Angeles hospital bed stores and medical bed companies is our focus on sellin...
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Hefei Sada Medical Equipment Co., Ltd has more than 10 years experience since 2012 located in Anhui, China. We are a professional sterilization equipment manufacturer and leading supplier in China.For more than ten years, we engage in offering our customer one stop ...