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Durable medical equipment is the category of devices that are prescribed to ameliorate the disabilities from the motor impairments. Each of these devices, such as orthotics to assist with limb positioning or a seating system to assist with sitting, has very specific indications and contraindications.... asks the practitioner appropriate questions regarding the patient. The algorithmic program compares the physician's answers to the Medicare coverage criteria. The program determines what durable medical equipment, if any, the patient qualifies for, completely eliminating the guess work fo...
Best durable medical equipment companies Medsinglong, trusted online source for durable medical equipment. Medsinglong quality durable medical equipment at the Competitive Bidding Program best prices.
durable medical equipment Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Financial,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. [e-kwip´ment] necessary tools or provisions. durable medical equipmentnonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate hospital practices for the management of unwanted durable medical equipment (DME) and to understand how health care providers conceived of their role in preventing DME waste. In order to fully identify opportunities for DME waste prevention, we...
Define durable goods. durable goods synonyms, durable goods pronunciation, durable goods translation, English dictionary definition of durable goods. pl n goods, such as most producer goods and some consumer goods, that require infrequent replacement. Co
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