Ductile damage model for metal forming simulations including refined description of void nucleation. Int. J. Plast. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.03.003A.V. Shutov, C. B. Silbermann, J. Ihlemann, Ductile damage model for metal forming simulations including refined ...
In this research, first, a ductile damage model for DIN1623 St12 steel is proposed. Then, the damage parameters of the material are numerically and experimentally determined, using the various tensile tests on flat-grooved, pure tension, and shear-tension specimens. Based on the experimental and...
Strain induced damage is also treated. Void nucleation and growth are included and give rise to strain rate effects. Strain rate effects also arise in the model through elastic release wave propagation between damage centers. Underlying physics of the model is the nucleation, growth, and ...
Two types of notch-free (smooth and short-gauge) specimens are used to calibrate a ductile damage model for rail steels, and two additional types of round-notched specimens are used to establish the locus of plastic fracture strain versus stress triaxiality. The damage evolution and D cr at ...
1. Resistance method of ductile damage measurement of metallic materials; 金属材料韧性损伤测量的电阻法2. Based on Lee's plastic yield function for porous material, and hypothesis that fracture initiation occurs when the void density is accumulated to a critical value,a new ductile damage model ...
This paper presents an implementation of a fully coupled non-associated anisotropic plasticity-ductile damage model, including a mixed nonlinear isotropic- kinematic hardening. With the non-associated anisotropic plasticity assumption, the yielding and plastic potential are determined independently. The quadrat...
ABAQUS Ductile Damage参数设置教程 节选段落一: See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350124892 ABAQUS Tutorial: Damage for Ductile Metals - Material Model Explained - Ductile Damage ...
A STUDY OF THE INTERNAL PARAMETERS OF DUCTILE DAMAGE THEORY In this paper the Rousselier ductile damage model is used to simulate the softening behaviour of notched bars and crack growth in a pre-cracked specimen of... LI Z. H.,BA Bilby,IC Howard - 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Mat...
Metal Forming Simulation Based on Advanced Mechanical Model Strongly Coupled with Ductile DamageThis is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Editor information Editors and Affiliations Lehrstuhl Technische Mechanik, Institut für Mechanik, Fakultät für ...
Ductile damage and fracture prediction in real size structures subjected to complex loading conditions has been of utmost interest in the scientific and en