3d-analysis of localization failure in a ductile material containing two size-scales of spherical particles. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 31:421-436, 1988.Tvergaard, V. (1988), 3D-analysis of Localization Failure in a Ductile Material Containing Two Size-scales of Spherical Particles , Engng. ...
Ductile failure – A ductile failure is a type of failure seen in malleable materials characterized by extensive plastic deformation or necking. This usually occurs prior to the actual failure of the material. In ductile failure, there is absorption of massive amounts of energy and slow propagation...
The failure of a material is usually classified into brittle failure (fracture) or ductile failure (yield). Depending on the conditions (such as temperature, state of stress, loading rate) most materials can fail in a brittle or ductile manner or both. However, for most practical situations, ...
The Swift effect has been considered in relation to the failure of ductile materials deformed in simple torsion. It is shown that failure can be characterized in terms of the limiting values of Lode's stress and strain parameters. Since fracture of all materials of the present interest occurs ...
Fracture断口 Brittlefracture脆性断裂 Ductilefracture塑性断裂 Ductile-to-brittletransition塑脆转变 Casehardening表面强化 Fatigue 疲劳 Low-cyclefatigue低周疲劳 High-cyclefatigue高周疲劳Corrosionfatigue腐蚀疲劳Origin裂纹源Beachmarks沙滩印Fatiguestriations疲劳辉纹Fibroustexture纤维组织Meanstress平均应力 Thermalfatigue热...
Moreover, the Ag matrix has a fcc structure and exhibits ductile behavior when deformed17. The mechanisms for premature failure are devised, and a road map is laid to avoid premature failure in SLM materials. A nominal amount of Ge (1 ± 0.2 wt.%) was added into the Ag-7.5 wt.%...
For example, for a material exhibiting brittle failure, the tensile fracture load is approximately inversely proportional to the square root of crack length (Anderson, 1991). In contrast, the tensile load for ductile failure is inversely proportional to the length of the remaining uncracked ligament...
Plane strain transient finite thermomechanical deformations of heat-conducting particulate composites comprised of circular tungsten particulates in nickel-iron matrix are analyzed using the finite element method to delineate the initiation and propagation of brittle/ductile failures by the nodal release ...
Development of A Tabulated Thermo-Viscoplastic Material Model with Regularized Failure for Dynamic Ductile Failure Prediction of Structures under Impact Lo... It is important to understand the dynamic failure behavior of structures subjected to impact loading in order to improve the survivability. Materia...
Ductile fractureFailure strainsLeaded free machining steelLeaded Free Machining Steel (FMS) specimens were tested in tension at quasi-static and high strain rates in both the longitudinal and transverse directions with respect to the axis of the bar material. For the quasi-static tests, a high ...