1)选1路为参考,一路进入DUAL PORT RAM修正; 2)修正思路:对于脉冲信号,信号高为有效->判断延拍数—>根据延拍数进行地址偏移->输出对齐的数据。 Testbench: `timescale 1ns /1ps/*Function: DPRAM for data aligned Author: Gui. Data: 2018年5月14日12:49:07*/moduledpram_tb;//parameter//parameter da...
Xilinx ISE 14.1中模拟True Dual Port RAM例子 <一>创建工程 创建工程在此略过。 <二>基本代码 1、创建一个Verilog modual代码如下: modulemain(inputclk,inputrsta,inputwea,input[3:0] addra,input[7:0] dina,output[7:0] douta,inputrstb,inputweb,input[3:0] addrb,input[7:0] dinb,output[7:...
`timescale1ns/100ps`include"DPRAM.v"modulereal_dual_port_ram_tb();regclka,clkb,ena,enb,wea,web;reg[7:0]addra,addrb;reg[15:0]data_i_a,data_i_b;wire[15:0]data_o_a,data_o_b;always#5clka=~clka;always#5clkb=~clkb;// instantiationDPRAMinst_DPRAM(.clka(clka),.clkb(clkb...
Verilog HDL True Dual-Port RAM with Single Clock /Quartus Prime Verilog Template// True Dual Port RAM with single clock/// Read-during-write behavior is undefined for mixed ports// and "new data" on the same portmodule true_dual_port_ram_single_clock #(parameter DATA_WIDTH=8,parameter AD...
This example includes Verilog HDL and VHDL code for the top level that instantiates theXilinx*simple dual-port RAM. In this example, the top-level entitytestinstantiatessdp_ram, aXilinx*simple dual-port RAM generated through Block Memory Generator, with the following properties: ...
(HDL-193) Warning: File /SimpleDualPortRAM_generic-verilog.pvl not found, or does not contain a usable description of SimpleDualPortRAM_generic. (ELAB-320) Error: Module 'SimpleDualPortRAM_generic' cannot be found for elaboration. (ELAB-357) *** Presto compilation terminated with 1 er...
Dual Port RAM实验例程 修订历史 版本 日期 原因 V1.00 2007/06/10 创建文档。 AN05320110 广州致远电子有限公司 Dual Port RAM实验例程 ©2007 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics CO., LTD. 1995-2006 Date: 2007/06/10 i 产品应用笔记 V1.00 目录
I do not see the verilog code example for dual port ram with 2 clocks, like above. What would be the RTL code to make it work with the cyclone 5? I have attached a ip configuration picture that would match the RTL code (unfortunately I couldn't find a way in Quartus 21.1 to create...
address2_to_the_dual_port_ram_0[10:0] = verilog logic addr output byteenable2_to_the_dual_port_ram_0[3:0] = pulled high chipselect2_to_the_dual_port_ram_0 = pulled high clk2_to_the_dual_port_ram_0 = clk clken2_to_the_dual_port_ram_0 = pu...
dual_port_ramdpr1( 11 .data_a(data_a), 12 .data_b(data_b), 13 .addr_a(addr_a), 14 .addr_b(addr_b), 15 .we_a(we_a), 16 .we_b(we_b), 17 .clk(clk), 18 .q_a(q_a), 19 .q_b(q_b) 20 ); 21 22 initial ...