I do not see the verilog code example for dual port ram with 2 clocks, like above. What would be the RTL code to make it work with the cyclone 5? I have attached a ip configuration picture that would match the RTL code (unfortunately I couldn't find a way in Quartus 21.1 to create...
This example describes a 64 bit x 8 bit synchronous, true dual-port RAM design with any combination of independent read or write operations in the same clock cycle in Verilog HDL.
Verilog HDL Simple Dual-Port, Dual-Clock Synchronous RAM module simple_dual_port_ram_dual_clock #(parameter DATA_WIDTH=8,parameter ADDR_WIDTH=6)(input[(DATA_WIDTH-1):0]data,input[(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0]read_addr,write_addr,input we,read_clock,write_clock,output reg[(DATA_WIDTH-1):0...
// Dual Port RAM testbench 2 3 moduledual_port_ram_tb; 4 reg[7:0]data_a,data_b;//input data 5 reg[5:0]addr_a,addr_b;//Port A and Port B address 6 regwe_a,we_b;//write enable for Port A and Port B 7 regclk;//clk ...
// A parameterized, inferable, true dual-port, dual-clock block RAM in Verilog. module bram_tdp #( parameter DATA = 72, parameter ADDR = 10 ) ( // Port A input wire a_clk, input wire a_wr, input wire [ADDR-1:0] a_addr, input wire [DATA-1:0] a_din, output reg [DATA-1...
If I add a second set of ports to a BRAM module, the synthesized verilog does not infer as BRAM (in Yosys for example). Single port: class SinglePortRAM(sizeKB: Int = 1, width: Int = 32, memoryFile: String = "") extends Module { val addr...
The Dual Rate Dual Port RAM block models a RAM that supports simultaneous read and write operations to different addresses at two clock rates. Port A of the RAM can run at one rate, and port B can run at a different rate. In high-performance hardware applications, you can use this block...
Dual Port RAM Synchronous Read/Write 1---2-- Design Name : ram_dp_sr_sw3-- File Name : ram_dp_sr_sw.vhd4-- Function : Synchronous read write RAM5-- Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala (Verilog)6-- Translator : Alexander H Pham (VHDL)7---8libraryieee;9useieee.std_logic_1164.all;10use...
Error(276001): Cannot synthesize dual-port RAM logic "...timestamps" Code: (*ramstyle="logic"*)logic [15:0][63:0] timestamps [CHANNELS] /*synthesis ramstyle="logic"*/; How is that a dual-port RAM logic?! verilog attribute + synthesis attribute, I can't do mor...
Dual Port RAM Asynchronous Read/Write 1//---2// Design Name : ram_dp_ar_aw3// File Name : ram_dp_ar_aw.v4// Function : Asynchronous read write RAM5// Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala6//---7moduleram_dp_ar_aw (8address_0 ,// address_0 Input9data_0 ,// data_0 bi-directional10...