ARC 1100 DICUT® DB MSRP per set US$from $ 2911 Weight per setfrom 1299 g Brake interfaceDisc Brake show product ARC 1100 DICUT® MSRP per set US$from $ 2999 Weight per setfrom 1527 g Brake interfaceRim Brake show product ARC 1400 DICUT® DB ...
深挖该系列轮组的气动潜力,得到了不同框高下令广大骑士们满意的作品——ARC 1100 DICUT DB50、DB62、DB80碟刹轮组;ARC 1100 DICUT DISC封闭轮、ARC 1100 DICUT RB 48 RB62圈刹轮组、ERC 1100 DICUT DB45碟刹轮组、ERC 1100 DICUT DB35碟刹轮组。
深挖该系列轮组的气动潜力,得到了不同框高下令广大骑士们满意的作品——ARC 1100 DICUT DB50、DB62、DB80碟刹轮组;ARC 1100 DICUT DISC封闭轮、ARC 1100 DICUT RB 48 RB62圈刹轮组、ERC 1100 DICUT DB45碟刹轮组、ERC 1100 DICUT DB35碟刹轮组。
As one of the largest wheel manufacturers in the industry, DT Swiss have a wide range of parts and know-how to draw from. Accordingly, everything on the ERC 1100 DICUT 45 is sourced in-house. DT Swiss rely on their flagship 180 hubs for these high-end wheels, which are probably some ...
计量单位:ZIPP NSW :10分 Lightweight:10分 DT PRC 1100 25Y:9分 先说DT的圈,19mm内宽,27mm外宽,框高47mm,属于中等胖圈,兼容真空,自带真空垫带,ERC1100是水印贴标在轮圈上的,1100底下的符号代表着ERC适用的颠簸路况,总的来说很规矩。DT吹自己的轮圈通过同样是瑞士公司Swiss Side(据说跟F1有关...
The slimmer hub body with smaller hub flanges and so-called "cut outs" at the Centerlock brake disc mount reduces the weight of the hubs by 11 g compared to the previous aero hub. DT Swiss hubs are known for the No-Tool concept. The concept allows the tool-free conversion to all ...
DT Swiss meticulously develops high-performance cycling components that provide a competitive edge to every ambitious cyclist*. *If you have a goal you are ambitious 创新 挑战技术极限来帮助您完成个人目标 浏览所有创新 技术 我们对于工程艺术深信不疑,并为了追求卓越的产品开发流程而努力。我们的理念是透过...
Our review The host of updates DT Swiss has bestowed on its latest-generation ERC wheels makes them an excellent, if pricey, choice for the regular rider Pros: Build quality; versatility; practical design Cons: Ostensibly worse value than the tier below...
展位上最显眼的依然是DT Swiss最热门的ARC 1100 DICUT DISC这款封闭轮,随着铁人三项运动的热情高涨,这款封闭轮也是当下最受欢迎的轮组之一,在国外铁人三项运动中尤其是顶级女运动员几乎都标配这款ARC 1100 DICUT DISC轮组,包括我们熟悉的瑞士女王丹妮拉·雷夫(Daniela Ryf)、美国运动员切尔西·索达罗(Chelsea Sodaro)...
【新輪組】DT SWISS ARC 1100 DICUT® DISC 無內胎 碟煞 封閉式碟輪 【新玩具】DT Swiss 240 EXP OIL SLICK 炫彩花鼓 【裝備實測】KOM女總四的秘密 DT SWISS MON CHASSERAL 【新輪組】DT SWISS ARC 1100、1400 DICUT碟煞輪組全新改版! 【新輪組】DT Swiss 1700 SPLINE鋁合金輪組新裝亮相!