一开始是由第三版的精神疾病诊断与统计手册(DSM-III)命名为 Multiple Personality Disorder,也就是顾名思义的 “多重人格” … tw.knowledge.yahoo.com|基于5个网页 更多释义 例句 1. DSM-IIIcamewithchecklistsofsymptomsthatallowedstraightforward,unambiguousdiagnosis. ...
为了标准化诊断,DSM-III诞生,为了标准化治疗,花朵计划(Project Flower)诞生。DSM-III是一门描述性的学科,而精神分析学是一门寻找病因的学科,两者理念不同,必然会导致一场冲突。 “神经症”是精神分析学的主要理论之一,但是“神经症”却由于缺乏对症状的准确描述,DSM编委会反对将“神经症”写入DSM-III。于是,1970...
DSM-III 认为有证 据表明循环性人格障碍中移出并入后者。 编者根据中国精神分裂症和躁郁症遗传流行病学调 查也发现两病家系中有不少分裂样人格、 偏执样人格和轻躁狂人格或循环样人格, 当然这并 不排除有的人格障碍并不来自两病家系。 2.病态人格是边缘状态。科克和伯恩鲍姆等认为人格障碍是介于正常人和精神病...
DSM-III personality disorders in the community. Am J Psychiatry 1994;151:1055-1062.Samuels JF, Nestadt G, Romanoski AJ, Folstein MF, McHugh PR (1994) DSM-III personality disorders in the community. Am J Psychiatry 151: 1055±1062
The third edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III, APA, 1980) had a particularly dramatic effect upon child psychiatry. It highlighted a descriptive approach to diagnosis, drawing new attention to phenomenology, and to the relationshi...
共分五个轴:轴 I,临床综合症(主要包括精神病和神经病);轴II,人格障碍、发展障碍;轴 III,应激状态;轴 IV,躯体疾病;轴 V,整体德功能水平。
In September, 1973 a new Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics of the American Psychiatric Association was constituted to develop the Third Edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III). This conferenc
The 3rd edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III) appeared in 1980 and proved to be a landmark in the development of psychiatric taxonomy.Historical Background Beginning in the 1800s, attempts had begun to be made in categorizing and studying ...