DSM-5 Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic CriteriaPsychiatrische DiagnostikAn abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/01.pra.0000462611.11887.e9SPOTTSWOOD, MARGARETDEJONG, SANDRA M.Journal of Psychiatric Practice
2,14 Lower rates in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication reflect deviation from DSM-IV criteria by skipping dependence questions when respondents endorsed no abuse criteria, which caused about one-third of 12-month and 15% of lifetime cases of alcohol dependence to be missed.15 In the ...
The CIRG used a standardized approach to clinical rating of the DRS-R98 based upon the DRS-R98 Administration Manual [22] which utilizes both objective testing and subjective interviewer-based judgments for rating item severities, where particular tests and interview questions are used as probes fo...
The CIRG used a standardized approach to clinical rating of the DRS-R98 based upon the DRS-R98 Administration Manual [22] which utilizes both objective testing and subjective interviewer-based judgments for rating item severities, where particular tests and interview questions are used as probes fo...
The Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale supplemented with questions for DSM-5 Mixed subtype (CUDOS-M) is a self-assessment scale that can be used as a screening tool for depressive patients with mixed features. This scale has been developed by Zimmerman et al. (2014), and includes 13 ...
First, in order to use the whole CBCL DSM-oriented test, we found that the factor structures of all CBCL subtests were similar across these five scales, and that the connections between test questions and psychological constructs were also identical across groups among four scales, except the An...
Disability was asked with a question closely similar to the ‘days out of role’ questions employed in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being [35]. Participants were asked to write for the past 4 weeks a response to, “on how many days, if any, were you unable ...
7. Disability was asked with a question closely similar to the 'days out of role' questions employed in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being [35]. Participants were asked to write for the past 4 weeks a response to, "on how many days, if any, were you unable...