Learn about the pros and cons of the DSM-5. Examine the history and purpose of the DSM-5 and identify the strengths and limitations of its...
Test-retest reliability of AUDADIS-5 DSM-5 MDD was fair29 (κ = 0.40)26; reliability of the corresponding dimensional MDD measure was higher (intraclass correlation [ICC], 0.59).26 Clinical validity was assessed through concordance with blinded clinician reappraisals using the Psychiatric ...
The Rorschach assistant program is a widely used application for coding and interpretation of Rorschach test results. RAP+Pro RAP for Professionals The RAP+ provides the professional clinician with an environment for researching new codes and generating narrative interpretation reports. ...
Results The CFA confirmed the viability of IGD-20 Test with a six-factor structure (salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict and relapse) for the assessment of IGD according to the nine criteria from DSM-5. The IGD-20 Test proved to be valid and reliable. According to ...
在本章,为了理解DSM-5受到批评的多个层面,我们应用了生态系统模型,并试图综合一系列观点。最后,我们考虑了如何利用对DSM- 5的批评和评价来促进新的诊断分类(例如,研究领域标准)。美国国家精神卫生研究所的标准[RDoC]项目)以及生态模型可能应用于未来诊断范式的方式。 对DSM-5的批判简史本章非常感谢伴随DSM-5开发,...
DSM‐5diagnostic testThe "Psychosis Risk Syndrome" is essentially a diagnostic prediction, and hence subject to the normal standards for evaluating a diagnostic test. We describe four key standards for evaluating a diagnostic test and demonstrate that none are currently met by our state‐of‐the‐...
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Nature and Science of Sleep Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article Original Research The DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure identifies high levels of coexistent psychiatric symptomatology in patients referred for insomnia treatment This...
Nature and Science of Sleep Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article Original Research The DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure identifies high levels of coexistent psychiatric symptomatology in patients referred for insomnia treatment This...
Test-retest reliability of AUDADIS-5 DSM-5 MDD was fair29 (κ = 0.40)26 ; reliability of the corresponding dimensional MDD measure was higher (intraclass correlation [ICC], 0.59).26 Clinical validity was assessed through concordance with blinded clinician reappraisals using the Psychiatric ...