例如,今天APA仍然强调,《DSM-III》的构建是“在明确诊断标准的构建和验证方面的广泛实证工作的推动下进行的”(APA Citation2014),另外还提到“《DSM-III-R》中的许多修订都是基于引用《DSM-III》的2,000多篇科学出版物”(Halleck等人Citation1992)。这种暗示《DSM-III》是严格依据证据的事实与上面所述的采访和档...
Axis V – GAF 50 (meaning serious impairment in functioning with few friends) The following sections address normal responses to thecritical carearea and each of the relevant adult areas of the DSM-IV-TR, providing the diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, primary treatments, and other limit...
Citations 285,187 h-index 251 Publications 181 Kendler, Kenneth S. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, United States Citations 138,260 h-index 169 Publications 172 Biederman, Joseph B. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, United States ...
5750 Accesses 12 Citations Abstract Criticisms of the DSMs over the past 30 years have rarely generated credible alternative classifications of psychopathology, and virtually all rivals have fallen away, as judged by clinical or research impact. This chapter considers why this has been the case. Af...
In 1980, DSM-III adopted a descriptive approach to psychiatric diagnosis, creating checklists of unwanted behaviors to define and use as required criteria when posing each of several hundred diagnoses. The objective of this novel approach was to validate
The APA's ("psychiatric") admission of NO BIOMARKERS EXISTing was sadly suppressed in both popular and common media.~B. Report comment Hermes “Indeed, referring to them as though they are real, reliable, and valid entities — in the context of the citation of theory and statistics about he...
Neurocognitive Correlates of DSM-5 Antisocial Personality DisorderWall, Tina DSellbom, MartinWygant, Dustin B
From the specific to the general: Using qualitative principles to assess the progress of DSM-V revisions.Smithbell, Pamela C
Matson, J. L., Belva, B. C., Horovitz, M., Kozlowski, A. M., & Bamburg, J. W. (2012a). Comparing symptoms of autism Spectrum disorders in a developmentally disabled adult population using the current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria and the proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.Journal of...
Aalto University, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland; vladimir.kuzmanovski@aalto.fi 3 Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova Cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; marko.bohanec@ijs.si * Correspondence: martin.gjoreski@usi.ch Citation: Gjoreski, M.; Kuzmanovski, V.; Bo...