Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders Dissociative Disorders Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Elimination Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Gender Dysphoria Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Neurocognitive D...
创伤及应激相关障碍(Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders) 分离障碍(Dissociative Disorders) 躯体症状及相关障碍(Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders) 喂食及进食障碍(Feeding and Eating Disorders) 排泄障碍(Elimination Disorders) 睡眠-觉醒障碍(Sleep-Wake Disorders) 性功能失调(Sexual Dysfunctions) 性别烦躁(Gend...
Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders DSM IV considered to be correct---any changes required substantial data PTSD did not neatly fit category of anxiety, stress-induced, or internalizing disorder New chapter created All diagnoses require that “onset or worsening of symptoms was preceded by exposure ...
创伤及应激相关障碍(Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders) 分离障碍(Dissociative Disorders) 躯体症状及相关障碍(Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders) 喂食及进食障碍(Feeding and Eating Disorders) 排泄障碍(Elimination Disorders) 睡眠-觉醒障碍(Sleep-Wake Disorders) 性功能失调(Sexual dysfunctions) 性别烦躁(...
Vallières F,Ceannt R,Daccache F,et al. ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD amongst Syrian refugees in Lebanon:the factor structure and the clinical utility of the International Trauma Questionnaire[J]. Acta Psychiatr Scand,2018,138(6):547-557. ...
创伤及应激相关障碍:Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders: 反应性依恋障碍 (F94.1) Reactive Attachment Disorder 去抑制性社会参与障碍 (F94.2) Disinhiblted Social Engagement Disorder 创伤后应激障碍 (F43.10) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-->1 month, emphasize on alterrations in cognition and mood with...
Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders创伤和应激相关的障碍 Reactive Attachment Disorder 反应性依恋障碍 Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder 去抑制性社会参与障碍 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 创伤后应激障碍 Acute Stress Disorder 急性应激障碍 Adjustment Disorders 适应障碍 ...
7. Trauma-related disorders: These disorders are characterized by the experience of a stressful or disturbing event. Examples include adjustment disorder, PTSD, and acute stress disorder. 8. Dissociative disorders: These disorders are characterized by a disturbance in memory, perception, emotion, or...
This means that, according to the DSM–5, trauma and stress are relevant themes throughout the mental health field, not solely an area of subspecialty. Despite the recognition of the widespread role of trauma and stress in the DSM–5, there are inconsistencies in the discussion of trauma, ...
创伤和应激相关障碍 dsm-5说明书