【Abstract】This study aims to compare the diagnostic criteria for stress-related disorders in the International Classification of Diseases,eleventh edition(ICD-11)and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fifth edition(DSM-5). Stressrelated disorders are directly related to the expos...
The categorical model and criteria for the 10 personality disorders in the DSM-IV will remain the same in the new manual. However, to encourage further study on how personality disorders can be diagnosed, the DSM-5 will include a separate section with new trait-specific methodology....
Cautionary Statement for Forensic Use of DSM-5 法医使用DSM-5 的警示声明 Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes 第二节:基本要素:诊断标准和代码 Neurodevelopmental Disorders神经发育障碍 Intellectual Disabilities 智力发展障碍 Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental智力残疾(智力发育障碍) Disorder) G...
由Skodol AE為首等六位精神科醫師,加上五位臨床心理學家所組成的人格障礙工作小組從2007年開始運作。在美國精神醫學會網站上展示的2011年6月21日的最新診斷標準【2】可見,其中有一個改版的一般準則(general criteria),診斷人格障礙的必要條件是同時存在人格運作 (自體《self》及人際的《interpersonal》)的減損及病態...
然而,Insel的研究领域标准(Research Domain Criteria,RDoC)倡议[10]作为精神医学研究的替代范式提供,在生物还原论方面更甚一筹,并且由于未能解决解释性鸿沟而受到批评(参见[101,136])。 在这里,我们到达精神医学诊断的本体论和认识论批判的一个交叉点。也就是说,即使在精神障碍实际上作为脑疾病存在的本体论立场的...
未特定的创伤及应激相关障碍 (F43.9)Unspecified Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorder 分离障碍:Dissociative Disorders: 分离性身份障碍 (F44.81) Dissociative Identity Disorder 分离性遗忘症 (F44.0) Dissociative Amnesia 人格解体/现实解体障碍 (F48.1) Depersonalization/Dereallzation Disorder ...
avoidant, borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal personality disorders. This approach also includes a diagnosis of personality disorder—trait specified (PD-TS) that can be made when a personality disorder is considered present but the criteria for a specific disorder are not me...
Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes Neurodevelopmental Disorders Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Bipolar and Related Disorders Depressive Disorders Anxiety Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders ...
In DSM-5, the 12-month or lifetime diagnoses of alcohol or drug disorders require at least 2 of 11 criteria within a 12-month period.38 These diagnoses had fair to good test-retest reliability (κ = 0.40-0.62); reliability of dimensional criteria scales was fair to excellent (ICC, ...
2016/2/9 中英对照— 《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第5版 (DSM5)目录 iacmsp的博文 美国中文网 美国中文网首页 博客首页 论坛 美食专栏 注册 登录 心理与性邓明昱博士 //?83465 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] Medical Psychology and Human Sexuality 空间首页 动态 记录 博文 相册 广播 主题...