DSi mode homebrew, anyone? It was about this time last year when I released open source save game hacks for two DSi hybrid games,Cooking CoachandClassic Word Games. I kind of expected somebody somewhere to pick these up and make them do something a little bit more useful than change the ...
Mostly I’ve been updating devkitARM & libnds with a few things needed to allow normally compiled homebrew to use the extra 12meg when run in DSi mode. I’m still a little undecided on how best to approach the hybrid model – Nintendo seem to be using a system where extra code is ...
SuperCard DS One v3: The Flashcart That Delivers Nintendo DS is not just about games; you can also load it with homebrew applications to make it one versatile portable gaming device. However, since it is marketed primarily as a gaming device, users are always on the lookout for games. Each...
competitor in playing GBA games characterized by an emulator with a faster and straightforward setup process. This GBA emulator can play over hundreds of games from the GBA HomeBrew and GBA ROM. Aside from the GBA and SNES emulators, this one-of-a-kind flash card can also emulate other game...
Also it can be expanded to include CJK characters included in zh-TW CTR .xlor file as well if there is such need. Member Epicpkmn11 commented Feb 20, 2022 Looks nice, I did a PR (#1812) to switch to that since yeah that should save a couple MB in the 7z. I see you've got...
For DsHOMEBREW OS system is a 2024 new version system customized for Wood cards by the moderator of 91 Forum (the owner of Game Cube UP) and former SuperCard Team member YL. It integrates three excellent systems into one and has a rich built-in multi-simulator system. , the new cheat ...
- With full support for the latest 11.9.0 Updated 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS as well as the DSi and DS Lite consoles. - Play games, read eBooks, run the latest homebrew games and applications and turn your Nintendo 3DS into a full fledged media player. ...
Alimento para vuestras consolas3DSyNDSdeNintendo, preparad lastarjetas de memoria. Intentamos cada día traeros el mejorcontenido, aplicaciones y juegosde laScene Homebrewpara nuestras consolasNintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, DS, DS Lite y DSitraduciéndolos alespañol. Además creamostutorialespara que...
Nintendo has updated the Nintendo DSi and Wii to block users’ access to homebrew and pirated games – while the company routinely releases similar Wii “upgrades”, the last time it put out new DSi firmware was in August 2009. The last DSi update introduced improvements to the DSi browser,...
The internal storage and SD card slot are HUGE steps forward for Nintendo, and the world of homebrew everywhere. Initially, there were no Flashcarts that worked with the DSi. Now, the Acekard 2i has been released to nullify that qualm. The cameras do seem somewhat gimmicky, but then ...