Nintendo DS is not just about games; you can also load it with homebrew applications to make it one versatile portable gaming device. However, since it is marketed primarily as a gaming device, users are always on the lookout for games. Each DS game can cost around $30 to $50, so it ...
competitor in playing GBA games characterized by an emulator with a faster and straightforward setup process. This GBA emulator can play over hundreds of games from the GBA HomeBrew and GBA ROM. Aside from the GBA and SNES emulators, this one-of-a-kind flash card can also emulate other game...
For DsHOMEBREW OS system is a 2024 new version system customized for Wood cards by the moderator of 91 Forum (the owner of Game Cube UP) and former SuperCard Team member YL. It integrates three excellent systems into one and has a rich built-in multi-simulator system. , the new cheat ...