这周末#星际迷航# DS9纪录片What We Left Behind给广大在众筹中支持了纪录片的各位粉丝发了进度更新邮件,目前这部纪录片会有以下几个变动: 1. Adam Nimoy卸任导演,Ira Steven Behr和David Zappone将在制片基础...
外部播放此歌曲> Five Year Mission - DS9 Rocks 专辑:What We Left Behind: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 歌手:Five Year Mission 还没有歌词哦
消息是what we left behind 放出的,这次的新舰船由John Eaves设计,舰长为Ezri Dax Sovent780 小吧主 13 这艘船的得名由来,上维基查一下爱莫特•提尔就晓得了 Sovent780 小吧主 13 然后这个第8季由原来五位参与过ds9制作的编剧操刀,看样子是动画片,之前在月初还放出了Ezri Dax着舰长制服的剧照 Sovent780...
If there's any other disappointment to be found in "What You Leave Behind," I'd say it would be within what we didn't see rather than what we did. Most notably lacking is some sort of scene that answers the question of Bajor in the political sense. Will Bajor ever join the Federation?
Has anyone noticed that the fade in from act breaks seem to have been shortened by a few ...
In What We Left Behind, the 2019 documentary celebrating DS9's legacy, an apocryphal concept for DS9 season 8 revealed Dr. Bashir as the new leader of Section 31. Unfortunately, Star Trek has revealed nothing new about Section 31 or the spinoff for years. Will Star Trek's Section 31 ...
Deep Space Ninefinale "What You Leave Behind". Further, the apocryphalDS9season 8 in the documentary "What We Left Behind" established Sisko and Kasidy's son is in Starfleet. In exploring how Jake, Kasidy, and her child dealt with the absence of Sisko,Star Trekcould return to the show'...
"Cardassians" is another stellar episode that highlights whatDS9's true strengths are. A young, adopted Cardassian boy named Rugel comes to DS9 with his Bajoran father, but when Rugel bites Garak's hand, a troubling issue appears: Is this a person who has been taught by his Bajoran ...
Lista de videos 8.3What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Lista de videos 8.8The 7th Rule 2 Lista de videos Friends of Sophia Lista de videos 5.8One True Love Lista de videos Jude and the Jinn Lista de videos Argumento Editar¿...
um I don't have this in any of the categories or the grades, but um like there's just kind of people who are like, oh, what's going... I thought it was supposed to be really nice in those kettos that we've erected. And just like completely blind to what's going on. Don't...