"What You Leave Behind" is the final outcome of the huge arc we've had for the past eight weeks. But more than that, it's also the final outcome of the Dominion War we've had for the past two years. But, more than that, it's also the final payoff for character paths we've h...
When the film wrapped, the cave retained its modifications and was most recognizably featured in the DS9 finale, "What You Leave Behind" as the Bajoran Fire Caves. (Star Trek: Insurrection (Special Edition)) Anthony Zerbe, who played Dougherty, initially read for the part of Ru'afo. When...
As an avid Trek viewer during the run of the series, I also vividly remember watching this episode. DS9 was a new series still in its first season, and still experiencing those growing pains that new shows usually do. As a huge fan of Michelle Forbes’ character of Ro Laren on TNG, I...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(DS9), expanded further the characters, worlds and vision established brilliantly byTheNext Generation. Crossing over and surpassing theTNGtimeline,DS9‘s narratives centralized around the space station positioned close to the planet of Bajor....
Next week: All good things must come to an end. Previous episode:Extreme Measures Next episode:What You Leave Behind Like this site? Support it by.
Although less important narratively than innovations in terms of serialisation, this made episodes like Sacrifice of Angels, Tears of the Prophets and What You Leave Behind possible.The Dominion War was a story utterly unlike any which Star Trek had explored before. The franchise had told stories...
What You Leave Behind ● Voyager ○ Originals Mosaic Pathways Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth #1 Caretaker #2 The Escape #3 Ragnarok #4 Violations #5 Incident at Arbuk #6 The Murdered Sun #7 Ghost of a Chance #8 Cybersong
星际旅行1:无限太空(Star_Trek_The_Motion_Picture)1979_中英对照_台词本_纯英文单词版 热度: Whenthefirstcoursearrived,Rugaleyeditnervously,rememberingtheappallingdishofzabu stewthatChiefO’Brien’swifehadconcoctedforhim. Fortunately,thiswasrecognizablyfood,somekindofthickbroththatsmelledoffish.Outof ...
5:30-9 —“What You Left Behind” DS9 documentary red carpet and WORLD premiere 10-11:30 pm , Hilton Room TBA —Dr. Trek Show crowdfunder party forThe Con of Wrath: £15 (or $20 US) gets you a screen credit, plus access to this show live of rare Trek video, celebs from the...
series, though the old DS9-style uniforms in this series appeared four more times following the uniform change in the episodes, "In Purgatory's Shadow" and "By Inferno's Light" as well as seen on a photograph of "Field of Fire" and in the flashback scenes of "What You Leave Behind"...