ds-HMGB1 directly activated the kynurenine pathway and cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in the hippocampal tissue. Conversely, fr-HMGB1 upregulated the aforementioned factors only following treatment with H2O2. These findings indicated that ds-HMGB1...
DsRed-mediatedoligomerizationChromatin\\{FRAP\\}High-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is remarkably mobile in living cells, which reflects its ability to interact only transiently with both \\{DNA\\} and protein. This property is likely essential for \\{HMGB1\\} nuclear activities. Nonetheless the...
Serum levels of NFL, HMGB1, MMP9, and ds-DNA were investigated to find a role in the pathophysiology of NPSLE. Results: Among the 90 patients with SLE, 63 (70%) met the criteria of NPSLE syndrome. Our results have shown a notable difference concerning SEDIAC-2k score,...