vietnamese ner: pzad data preprocessing: 13.11
Rotavirus strains (n = 21) consisting of 11 pre and 10 post-vaccine introduction samples, from children under five years of age with MSD and LSD and without diarrhoea were sequenced. The Illumina MiSeq instrument registered an overall Phred quality score of Q ≥ 30 for all the sequ...
El-Naggar NE, Abdelwahed NAM (2014) Application of statistical experimental design for optimization of silver nanoparticles biosynthesis by a nanofactory Streptomyces viridochromogenes. J Microbiol 52(1):53–63. Article MATH Google Scholar Nikaeen Gh, ...
Here, we examined the whole genome of two suspected reassortants RVA/Human-wt/VNM/SP127/2013/G1P[4] and RVA/Human-wt/VNM/SP193/2013/G1P[4] with short RNA electropherotypes by Illumina MiSeq sequencing and reconstructed their ancestral phylogenies. Their genotype constellation — G1-P[4]...
这场比赛阳光在上半场占据主动,第二节单节净胜10分,可惜下半场突然失去准星,被天空直接完成反超,好在最后一节找回状态,最后时刻依靠着出色的防守,让天空多次进攻受阻,凭借着托马斯的罚球完成准绝杀。 两队在之前达成了一笔重磅交易,马布里从天空转会加入阳光,这次马布里替补出战,打了25分钟,13投9中,三分7中5,拿到...