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VietnamOne major mechanism by which Rotavirus A (RVA) evolves is genetic reassortment between strains possessing different genotype constellations. The parental strains of the reassortants generated are however seldom identified. Here, we examined the whole genome of two suspected reassortants RVA/Human...
Hosseinnezhad M, Shadman A, Saeb MR, Mohammadi Y (2017) A new direction in design and manufacture of co-sensitized dye solar cells: toward concurrent optimization of power conversion efficiency and durability. Opto-Electron Rev 25:229–237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.opelre.2017.06.003 Artic...
北京时间8月24日,WNBA常规赛继续展开,康涅狄格阳光主场82-80有惊无险击败芝加哥天空,取得了2连胜。 这场比赛阳光在上半场占据主动,第二节单节净胜10分,可惜下半场突然失去准星,被天空直接完成反超,好在最后一节找回状态,最后时刻依靠着出色的防守,让天空多次进攻受阻,凭借着托马斯的罚球完成准绝杀。 两队在之前达成...