only unique buff isImproved Leader of the Pack. They do still bringInnervateandRebirth, and have the easiest time of all specializations when swapping between tanking and DPSing with the same talents, allowing them to put out great damage on fights that only need a second tank for short ...
Feral Combat splits into two different specs: Feral (melee) and Guardian (tank). Relics have been removed from the game. Druids can now mount while in [Moonkin Form]. Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Druids now gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, down from 2. They continue to...
You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord. SUPPORT OUR WRITERS IN THE SAME CATEGORY Tier 1 Druid Set Feral Druid DPS Fire Resistance Gear Balance Druid DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Feral Druid Tank Talents and Runes ...
1. Feral Druid Tank Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills 2. Leveling Talents 3. Leveling Glyphs 4. Leveling Rotation 5. Abilities to Skip While Leveling 6. Continue Improving at Level 85 1. Feral Druid Tank Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills ...
Adrenal Surge Clasp— crafted byLeatherworkers, theAdrenal Surge Claspis a tank belt with primary stat proc from damage taken. This effect can be doubled with theWrithing Armor Banding, consuming both of your embellishment slots. 9.2. Inspiration Catalyst ...
As a tank spec, Feral Druid is a fantastic single-target tank but you need to be mindful of attacking every enemy in large pulls, as none of your baseline abilities is capable of doing large area threat. Unlike most tank specializations, you will actually be able to solo quest very effici...
1. Feral Tank Druid Rotations If you have not already, we recommend going through theSpell Summaryguide first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the rotation suggestions below.
1. Stat Priority for Feral Tank Druid 1. Stat Priority for Feral Tank Druid The stat priority forFeral TankDruidis as follows: Stamina and Agility Dodge Mastery Expertise (26 Cap) Hit (8% cap) Critical Strike Haste 1.1. Stamina and Agility ...
This is a main-tank build that assumes you mostly go into Cat Formfor heavy movement, if at all. Otherwise, if you want to maximize your Cat Form DPS, please refer to theFeral Druid DPS talent build. As Furoris not necessary for a main-tank build, we can put all points into the...