Welcome to our Guardian Druid guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7). Here, you will learn how to tank as a Guardian Druid in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min-maxing techniques to optimize your survivability. If yo...
Balance Ranged DPS Feral Melee DPS Guardian Tank Restoration Healer Balance Druid Balance Druids commune with celestial magic to weave Arcane and Nature magic together, aligning the stars to vanquish their foes. Their primary resource, Astral Power, is generated through Wrath and Starfire, and spen...
20 Meta and comp talks 01:12:50 Vengeance, Blood and Guardian - Tank Talks ---{Socials}--- Twitch 📹: / peettko 1 on 1 Coaching (improve as a player): / peettko Twitter 🐤: https://bit.ly/Petkotwitter Join my Discord for updates and my UI / WA! - discord.gg/petko --...
This guide focuses on leveling a Guardian Druid from Level 1 to 80 in The War Within (11.0.7).
4. Best Trinkets for Guardian Druid in The War Within Season 2 5. "Simming" Yourself as a Guardian Druid 6. Season 2 Tier Set for Guardian Druid 7. Best Use Of Puzzling Cartel Chips For Guardian Druid 8. Best Gear Crest Upgrades for Guardian Druid ...
1.1. Best Leveling Spec for Druid in the War Within Druids have four talent trees: Balance, Feral, Guardian, and Restoration. Guardian is the tank specialization for Druid, this is our suggested leveling spec, as the damage difference is not a large drop from the damage dealing specs and ...
The Guardian Druid Werebear Form received new animations in Patch 10.1. Specifically, Swipe/Thrash now has a unique uppercut animation, Maul/Pulverize have a new two-handed slam. Moonfire has a one-hand ground slam. Thanks for minimaxir for pointing out
Level up a Druid Guardian Druid Guide Transmog Druid Models Feral Druid Guide Transmog Druid Sets Restoration Druid Guide Balance Druid PVP Intro LATEST NEWS How to Get Fast Resonance Crystals Fastest Way to Farm Marks & Honor This Week with Comp Stomp! Easy Mounts: How To Get Almost 180 in...
Guardian Druidbarely received any changes in the upcoming patch, leading to the second half of Season 1. Their damage profile against many enemies is one of the highest, and so is their durability. There are a lot of spec-specific talents that do not fit well withGuardian Druidand are cons...
Guardian Druid Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name. Guardian Row 1 Maul:Maul the target for Physical damage. Guardian Row 2 Gore:Thrash, Swipe, Moonfire, and Maul have a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle, and to cause it to generate an...