spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Mana ) spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.ComboPoints ) spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Energy ) -- Talents spec:RegisterTalents( { -- Druid astral_influence = { 82210, 197524, 1 }, -- Increases the range of all of your spells by 5 ...
spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Mana ) spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.ComboPoints ) spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Energy ) -- Talents spec:RegisterTalents( { -- Druid astral_influence = { 82210, 197524, 1 }, -- Increases the range of all of your spells by 5...
Convoke the Spirits' cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability. force_of_nature = { 88210, 205636, 1 }, -- Summons a stand of 3 Treants for...