Tree of Lifeadds another massive cooldown to Resto Druid. Similar to Survival Instincts, you will want to make sure that you are getting as many uses as possible during a fight while still using it for the most intensive moments. For a full list of Druid Runes and where to find them, ...
You then look at the talent load out for other specs like Resto or Balance and you find they don’t suffer this problem at all because of the placement of the abilities in the tree, and I just cannot grok how this wasn’t spotted, or at the very least acknowledged as a problem by ...
the Affinity concept from Legion through Shadowlands was anticipating something that we’re hoping to re-emphasize here: the ability to choose elements of various shapeshift forms and roles. That idea is now expanded into a class talent tree that has...
There is a talent in the resto druid talent tree called Harmonious Blooming. Each point you put into the talent increases the number of mastery stacks Lifebloom grants by 1, with a max of 2 points. Lifebloom is a vital heal for M+, so every guide you find will recommend putting 2 poi...
Shadowlands expansion. We don’t know anywhere near enough to comment on viability or strength yet but I’ll add commentary where relevant. This page will be updated as we learn more. Overall the Resto Druid changes are big positives so far and our new talent tree in particular is looking ...
Too many baseline things put into the tree. Far too few interesting choices from the past though I like that a few new things have been implemented like the 100% faster hots talent. However it has a 45 sec cooldown which seems far too low. Lmao excuse me? You're a high level r...
Resto druid is really good at doing that but frankly for Balance I would just change force of nature to be a copy paste of Resto’s treant ability but more offense oriented. And for the hero talent itself, at the bare minimum, PLEASE rework that final capstone to revo...
Whats the point of making a "Druid" talent tree if you are going to hide talents behind a pile of very nice specialized talents that are useful to only a fraction of specs... Typhoon is already locked in to Balance Affinity anyway, unless you are a balance druid. Nothing ...
This is the MAIN stat of your resto druid, and every upgrade should be considered from that viewpoint. Spirit –only works when you are outside the FSR rule, or at 30% efficiency while you are thanks to a talent. Spirit also stacks well with Blessing of Kings (unlike +healing and mp...
Convoke, while it’s such a fun button to push, seems unnecessarily punishing. Resto gets either a crazy long CD tree or a one minute convoke slot machine CD. I simply do not feel like RNG spells should have any place in …