Restoration Druid –A druid healing using mainly the Restoration Tree, and most of the time Tree of Life (see The Talents). Dreamstate Druid –A druid healing using a mix of the restoration and balance tree (see The Talents). NS – Nature’s Swiftness. A 21point talent in the restoration...
I see so many druids running this in their specs even after 6 years of this guide being put up on this forum and on old wow forums by myself and others and I cannot understand why anyone would be using this talent in 25m raids for the above mentioned reasons. ...
There is a talent in the resto druid talent tree called Harmonious Blooming. Each point you put into the talent increases the number of mastery stacks Lifebloom grants by 1, with a max of 2 points. Lifebloom is a vital heal for M+, so every guide you find will recommend putting 2 poi...
and heals the Druid for 5% of their maximum health every 5 seconds. If the Druid is at full health, it will heal the most injured friendly target nearby instead. This talent fills the spot vacated by Nature’s Swiftness.
(Heroism) but real need of Restoration Shamans in raids are capability of healing multiple targets at the same time providing raid with totem buffs, carrying high amount of healing done and as far as i know Restoration Shamans can do biggest HPS along with Restoration Druids. To sum up ...
Staves and off-hands are also more beneficial to priests and druids.In which group should I put a resto shaman?If there is no enhancement shaman in the raid, put a resto shaman in the melee group with the rogues and warriors for the Windfury Totem. The increased DPS a resto shaman can...
Staves and off-hands are also more beneficial to priests and druids.In which group should I put a resto shaman?If there is no enhancement shaman in the raid, put a resto shaman in the melee group with the rogues and warriors for the Windfury Totem. The increased DPS a resto shaman can...