Speed (methamphetamine, C10H15N) is a potent and addictive central nervous system stimulant, chemically related to amphetamine, but with greater central nervous system side effects. It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol....
If the liver is not functioning normally, the dosage of a drug that is eliminated primarily by metabolism in the liver may need to be adjusted. However, there are no simple ways to estimate how well the liver will metabolize (and thus eliminate) drugs like there are for kidney function. ...
There are a number of aphorisms that one imbibes over many years of medical education, especially in medical school. Some are useful; some are not; but some stick with you for reasons that even you can't figure out. For example, I still remember my first
If combination of these drugs is taken, patients mustn’t drive or operate machinery. By activating liver enzymes, Gabapentin can speed up Percocet metabolism. This may cause liver problems by increasing the levels of acetaminophens hepatotoxic metabolites. The table below shows side effects after Ga...
VariousTime Distortiondrugs speed or slow metabolism. The most famous speed-up drug is the eponym of H GWells's "The New Accelerator" (December 1901Strand), to be marketed in very dilute form as Gibberne's Nervous Accelerator. Similar effects result from "tempus" in Robert AHeinlein'sThe ...
Stimulants are drugs that speed up parts of the body and brain, directly affect the central nervous system, and increase heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism, and body temperature. Medical uses include the treatment of allergies, asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), common col...
Are new weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy "magic" pills that can put an end to the obesity epidemic? Johann Hari is here to give us the skinny!
Caffeine is commonly added to weight loss supplements to increase metabolism. Some of the newer, celebrity endorsed pills have the equivalent of four or more cups of coffee. Generally, caffeine is a stimulant that can also stimulate your heart rate, blood pressure, nervous system and gastrointestin...
Metabolism and Excretion; Toxicity; and Analysis. This 11th edition has been expanded with an additional 275 drugs or chemicals (a total of almost 1800 compounds) including a number of animal toxins, antibiotics, antidepressants,antidiabetics,antifungal agents,antihyperlipidemic drugs,antineoplasticdrugs,...
Family tyrosine kinases influence cellular metabolism, survival, and proliferation, and is involved in macrophage processes including phagocytosis, production of cytokines, and cellular migration [26]. Quercetin is a naturally derived flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables that have antioxidant and ...