You are handed a piece of paper which says, "Company X: Drug and Alcohol Policy." You are asked to read it and then you are asked if you have any questions about it. You ask your questions if you feel comfortable doing so. You get the basic message: Don't. But don't do what?
recovery and the return to work of those employees with such abuse problems." An employer can achieve this by putting a drug-free workplace policy into place that outlines all rules and regulations regarding what happens if an employee is suspected of drug use, and the subse...
Best Practices For Employee Screening,Drug-Free Workplace,Employee Screening Trends,employment background checks,Legal Compliance,Nonprofits,Sex OffendersTagged With:Drug Screening,Drug-Free Workplace,Education Background Checks,Education ScreeningNonprofitsSex Offenders...
Marijuana use is still illegal under federal law, and many employers prefer to maintain their drug-free workplace policies. It is still classified as a Schedule I drug under federal law.However, laws are changing, and some states such as Maine, Arizona, and Minnesota have enacted employee ...
Establish a formal company policy that will define who can be tested, when they can be tested, what happens when you have a positive result, how testing will be conducted and how you are going to train your employees and supervisors. Our Drug Free Workplace Programs are designed with Si...
The University of Vermont is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace and workforce in conformity with federal laws, as set forth in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990. It is therefore the policy of the University to prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession...
Since 1969 we have been serving the public with effective, science-based alcohol and other drug prevention programs while assisting the business community in maintaining drug free workplace programs that positively impact the bottom line. Our motto is: “Saving Lives, Saving Money: it’s the Right...
The Council on Alcohol and Drugs assists businesses with Drug Free Workplace Programs, Drug Free Workplace Training, and Drug Testing Supplies. Many states offer certified Drug Free Workplace discounts for working drug free. One of The Council's drug testing experts can help you find a testing...
Having a drug-free workplace policy and program does not, by itself, guarantee that the workplace will be drug-free. Employees may not know about the policy; they may not fully understand it; they may not believe that it makes sense; they may find it difficult to comply with; they may...
Drug Free Work PlaceGrantee shall establish and maintain a drug-free work place policy. Alcohol and Drug-Free WorkplaceCity reserves the right to deny access to, or require Contractor to remove from, City facilities personnel of any Contractor or subcontractor who City has reasonable grounds to ...