1、Drug Interactions 2 Example Excessive terfenadineLethal arrhythmias Ketoconazole is an enzyme inhibitor Terfenadine + ketoconazole: Increase the serum concentration of terfenadine In 1998, terfenadine was removed from market. 3 Outline Introduction - Definition - Drugs likely to be involved in inter 2...
Learn about potential drug interactions you may be exposed to. Drug interactions can occur with prescription drugs, OTC medications, grapefruit and other foods, vitamins, herbs, supplements, and even laboratory tests.
1.5M 文档页数: 9页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 医学/心理学--药学 临床上常见的药品交互作用(Drug-DrugInteractionsDDIs),, 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 愚小仔 分享于2019-04-10 21:10...
临床药理学:Drug Interactions DrugInteractions Example Terfenadine+ketoconazole:•KetoconazoleisanenzymeinhibitorIncreasetheserumconcentrationofterfenadine •Excessiveterfenadine Lethalarrhythmias In1998,terfenadinewasremovedfrommarket.2 Outline •Introduction -Definition -Drugslikelytobeinvolvedininteractions -Outcomesof...
Biologics Drug-Drug Interaction Task Force Consid:生物制剂药物相互作用工作组考虑 热度: 几何学与生物学的相互作用 热度: Drug Interactions in Older Adults[老年人药物相互作用](PPT-33) 热度: 药物相互作用的研究(DrugInteractionStudy) 数据摘要: Eighthealthymalesubjects(Sub)wereallocatedrandomlytooneof ...
potentiative interactions 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 interactions that result in drug effects being intensified 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 jess_vanleuven 2年前建立 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Pharm cms 60個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 6 interactions that result in reduced drug effects ...
1 1.Definition Adversedrugreactionsareunwantedeffectscausedbynormaltherapeuticdoses.Drugsaregreatmimicsofdiseases,andadversedrugreactionspresentwithdiverseclinicalsignsandsymptoms.药物不良反应是正常的治疗剂量造成不必要的影响是伟大的模仿疾病和药物不良反应,出现不同的临床症状和体征的药物。2 atopy n.特应性 benoxa...
12.10.4Drug-drug interactions Drug-drug interactionscan be defined as two different medications altering each other's effects on the body and refer to the capability of altering one or more pharmacological responses as a direct consequence of exposing one or more drugs taken together or taking ...