Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
commit the generaldrug drivingoffence if his or her ability to drive properly is, for the time beingimpairedunder the influence of a drug, and [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 第二,我們建議訂明任何人士在駕車時受藥物影響,其程度達到 沒有能力妥當地控制汽車,即屬犯罪,並引入兩級懲處。
One possibility, which remains untested, is that stimulant users may have a greater predisposition to engage in 'drink-driving' or 'drug-driving' compared to other young adults. The present study compares offence rates for drink- and drug-driving, and self-reported rates of these behaviours, ...
It's more than 55 years since the UK's first drink driving limit was introduced and there is no doubt, that over time, public awareness of the offence and its consequences has improved. Nonetheless, the UK continues to prosecute thousands of motorists per annum - 34,000 in 2021, for ...
Byline: Tom Pettifor reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk ALMOST 1000 doctors have kept their jobs despite convictions for crimes ranging from child sex offences to drug trafficking. But patients are being kept in the dark about disgraced medics who are allowed to practise despite criminal records that...
‘Keeping a lid on it’: exploring problematisations of prescribed medication in UK prisons International Journal of Drug Policy (2022), 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103515 Google Scholar Head, 2022 B.W. Head Wicked Problems in Public Policy: Understanding and Responding to Complex Challenges Palgrave Mac...
Location: UK iTrader: (0) Quote: Originally Posted byR99 Having just bought a 325d Touring (Feb 2010 car) and having also just found out it rolled off the production line in the last month they were fitting the M57, I found this really useful!
摘要: This independent expert panel report analyses research on drug driving and makes recommendations on the drugs to potentially be covered in the new drug driving offence and on the specified limits for each drug.关键词:Driver performance Driver performance Drug driving Drug effects Drug effects ...
It's more than 55 years since the UK's first drink driving limit was introduced and there is no doubt, that over time, public awareness of the offence and its consequences has improved. Nonetheless, the UK continues to prosecute thousands of motorists per annum - 34,000 in 2021, for ...
Drugs agency: drug driving should be a criminal offence in all EU Member StatesEuractiv