Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
It's more than 55 years since the UK's first drink driving limit was introduced and there is no doubt, that over time, public awareness of the offence and its consequences has improved. Nonetheless, the UK continues to prosecute thousands of motorists per annum - 34,000 in 2021, for ...
commit the generaldrug drivingoffence if his or her ability to drive properly is, for the time beingimpairedunder the influence of a drug, and [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 第二,我們建議訂明任何人士在駕車時受藥物影響,其程度達到 沒有能力妥當地控制汽車,即屬犯罪,並引入兩級懲處。
There is less focus on prevention and reducing demand or improving the wider environmental context and culture in which the deaths occur. Policy needs to pay more attention to the fundamental issues driving the current deterioration in conditions in prisons....
Even with higher diesel prices, to achieve genuine 45-50mg on normal motorway speeds is (to me) staggering. Fast, smooth and economical. You really can have the best of all worlds without having to endure the noise of a 4 cylinder diesel (no offence to those people driving 4 cylinder die...
Drugs agency: drug driving should be a criminal offence in all EU Member StatesEuractiv
It's more than 55 years since the UK's first drink driving limit was introduced and there is no doubt, that over time, public awareness of the offence and its consequences has improved. Nonetheless, the UK continues to prosecute thousands of motorists per annum - 34,000 in 2021, for ...
The new rules, announced by the Government last week, will mean it will be an offence to be over the generally prescribed limits for each drug (see Panel) and drive a vehicle, as it is with drink driving.The pharmaceutical journal Group...