在Stata中,drop if missing命令用于删除包含缺漏值(missing values)的观测记录。下面是对该命令的详细解释: 基本功能: drop if missing命令用于删除数据集中包含缺漏值的观测记录。这可以帮助清理数据,确保在进行统计分析时不会因为缺漏值而产生偏差或错误。 具体语法: stata drop if missing(varlist) 其中,varlis...
stata剔除缺失值在Stata中,可以使用drop命令来剔除缺失值。以下是一些常用的方法: 剔除某个变量中的缺失值: stata复制代码 dropifvariable_name == . 这将剔除变量variable_name中取值为缺失值(.)的观测。 剔除所有变量中的缺失值: stata复制代码 dropifmissing(variable1, variable2, variable3) 这将剔除在...
clear drop m* //删除以m开头的所有变量,即make mpg ds drop _all //删除所有的变量和观测值 2、删除观测值 (1)删除含有缺失值的⾏。sysuse auto,clear count drop if rep78==. //删除rep78的缺失值对应的⾏ count 可以看rep78⼀共有5个缺失值,包含该5个缺失值的⾏被我们删除了。
gsort rep78 -price//按照汽车修理记录升序排列,然后在相同的修理记录中,按照价格降序排列。 bysort rep78: drop if _n != _N//在每一组rep78相同的组中,只保留最后一行,即价格最低的行。 3、删除图片 首先我们先绘制两张图,并保存在E:\stataclub路径下,命名为graph1、graph2。 clear all cap mkdir E...
An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Betreff: st: drop command & missing values Dear Maarten and Martin, thank you very much for your answers. I am always including the x variable in my estimation, I don't understand why: drop if x>123 ...
Stata usually takes care of this for you in that >> >> 1. A command uses as many as observations as possible. >> >> 2. Most statistical commands ignore missing values. >> >> But in your example >> >> . drop if missing(x1, x2) >> >> will drop observations if either -x1- ...
Sort can also be used to determine which observations have missing values. BySort, on the other hand, rearranges cases following several variables at once. The command syntax in Stata is ‘bysort varlist: command’. BySort is often used as it provides a convenient way to obtain summary statis...
drop if rep78==.//删除rep78的缺失值对应的行 count 可以看rep78一共有5个缺失值,包含该5个缺失值的行被我们删除了。 (2)使用missings命令删除含有缺失值的行。 使用missings命令可以达到(1)中相同的效果。如果初次使用missings需安装。可使用net installdm0085_1命令安装missings的包dm0085_1,也可以通过...
La tua cartella Dropbox è stata spostata in questo percorso file ~/Library/CloudStorage da allora, e sta ancora tentando di sincronizzarsi? Te lo chiedo perché l'icona vuota della nuvola accanto al tuo contenuto indica che potrebbe ancora sincronizzarsi in base a questo articolo. ...
Title duplicates — Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations stata.com Syntax Remarks and examples Menu Acknowledgments Description References Options Also see Syntax Report duplicates duplicates report varlist if in List one example for each group of duplicates duplicates examples varlist if in , ...