postgres=#DROPTABLEIFEXISTSCustomerCASCADE;NOTICE:dropcascadestoconstraintsales_customer_id_fkeyontablesalesDROPTABLEpostgres=# Now, the tableCustomeris deleted. Here, we’re checking if theCustomertable exists or not. If it exists, then we are deleting it withCASCADE. ...
DROPTABLEIFEXISTSauthors; Because theauthorstable has a dependent object which is a foreign key that references thepagestable, PostgreSQL issues an error message: ERROR: cannotdroptableauthorsbecause other objects dependonitDETAIL:constraintpages_author_id_fkeyontablepages dependsontableauthorsHINT:UseDROP...
2) Drop a column that is referenced by a constraint First, attempt to remove thepublisher_idcolumn from thebookstable: ALTERTABLEbooksDROPCOLUMNpublisher_id; PostgreSQL issued the following error: ERROR: cannotdroptablebookscolumn publisher_id because other objects dependonitDETAIL: view book_info ...
Jira Link: DB-3946 Description In tpcc, we have a method enableForeignKeys, which creates FKs after data is loaded. In this method, drop constraint with 'if exists' is giving ERROR, causing this statement to fail, and as a result other a...
It will show the error of “ERROR: cannot drop index student_pkey because constraint student_pkey on table student requires it”. Examples of PostgreSQL DROP INDEX Below is an example of the drop index command in PostgreSQL. 1. Drop single Index Using Drop Index Command ...
fetchall(): if 'PRIMARY KEY ' in constraint_def: continue restore_queries.add(f'ALTER TABLE {schema_name}."{table_name}" ' f'ADD CONSTRAINT {constraint_name} {constraint_def};') drop_queries.add(f'ALTER TABLE {schema_name}."{table_name}" ' f'DROP CONSTRAINT {constraint_name};') ...
would have been caught by all existing automated tests that downgrade. There's no automated test coverage for false positives (thinking the constraint does exist when it actually doesn't). I have tested it this manually on MySQL, H2, and Postgres. I'm not sure writing a test for that is...
$field =newXMLDBField('entry_id');// change the field type from ext to intif(field_exists($table, $field)) { $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER,'10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL,null,null,null,'0','id'); $result = $result && change_field_type($table, $field); ...
execute('alter table application_template drop constraint if exists uniq_app_template_appid_key') 浏览完整代码 来源 项目:glennyonemitsu/MarkupHiveServer 示例30 def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.execute("ALTER ...
less than(maxvalue));CREATE TABLE postgres=# alter table t6 add constraint t6_unique_keyprimarykey(a); ERROR:uniqueindex columns must contain 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 创建过期key扫描任务 创建过期key扫描任务 功能介绍 创建过期key扫描任务,Redis 3.0不支持过期key扫描。 过期key扫描会对键空间进行Redis...