删除测试数据 DROPTABLEIFEXISTSpgbench_accounts;DROPTABLEIFEXISTSpgbench_branches;DROPTABLEIFEXISTSpgbench_history;DROPTABLEIFEXISTSpgbench_tellers; 测试数据 500w数据量,postgres为默认配置
在函数中取写查询语句,查询出来的字段不能在前边出现,否则会报错, dropfunction if exists func_test; createorreplace function func_test() returns voidas $$ begin droptableif exists tb_date_incoming; createtemporarytabletb_date_incomingas selectlocation_dest_id, product_id, code_color, period, level...
drop database [if exists] 数据库的名字 drop database user1; 1. 2. 注:if exists,不管数据库是否存在,都执行成功。 查询当前操作的数据库 select database(); 1. 切换使用数据库 use 数据库名字; use user; 1. 2. 表格的定义操作 创建表格 create table [IF NOT EXISTS] 表名( 列名 普通约束 描...
drop index if exists "t_user_pkey"; alter table "t_user" add constraint "t_user_pkey" primary key ("ID"); 根据已有表结构创建表 create table if not exists 新表 (like 旧表 including indexes including comments including defaults); 删除表 drop table if exists "t_template" cascade; 查询注...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cms_user_unit; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS cms_user_unit_seq CASCADE ; CREATE SEQUENCE cms_user_unit_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.cms_user_unit_seq OWNER TO postgres; ...
解决方法是检查当前会话中是否已经存在同名的临时表。可以使用DROP TABLE命令删除现有的临时表,然后重新创建: DROPTABLEIFEXISTStemp_sales;CREATETEMPORARYTABLEtemp_sales ( sale_id SERIALPRIMARYKEY, product_nameVARCHAR(255), sale_amountNUMERIC(10,2), ...
-- 创建adi 状态、类型表 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS adi; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS adi; CREATE SEQUENCE s_adi; CREATE TABLE "public"."adi" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('ac_device_info'), "device_sys_code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL, "device_name" varchar...
drop table if exists insert_table; create table insert_table (id serial,tablename varchar(100),flg int default 0); insert into insert_table(tablename) values ('dt_user'),('dt_dep'),('dt_dev'),('st_device'),('fin_crowd_detail'),('fin_crowd_master'),('fin_rule_acdep'),('fin...
In PostgreSQL, the DROP and DROP IF EXISTS statements are used to delete any existing database object. We can drop a database, table, column, function, any ext…
DROP TABLE if EXISTS "test"."testtable"; CREATE TABLE "test"."testtable" ( "id" int4 DEFAULT nextval('testseq_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, -- 表数据关联SEQUENCE,每次插⼊取nextval('testseq_id_seq') nextval('testseq_id_seq' "create_date" timestamp(6), "age" int4, "name" va...