Now restore the db with the dump file: mysql -u root -p db_name < ./temp.sql 3. Using TablePlus GUI Tool: Connect to the target database Select all tables from the left sidebar Right-click and choose delete, or simply hit delete button PressCmd + Sto commit changes to the server N...
6 How can I drop all tables in my database? 160 Drop multiple tables in one shot in MySQL 3 MySQL Dropping Tables 2 MySQL drop tables where engine is memory 0 Drop table in sql and add 10 Drop All Tables Except One in MySql 0 DROP TABLE in MySQL 0 Dropping database table...
This morning I am faced with a task that will involve repeatedly dropping and reimporting a lot of data. MySQL hasDROP TABLEandDROP DATABASEbut there is no command to drop all tables or truncate the database. [adsense:468x60:4496506397] After finding a reference on the MySQL Lists (http:...
Drop all tables in MySQL database Answer: MySQL does not have a command for removing all database table(s) without dropping the database, to do so, you need the following tricks: #mysqldump-u[USERNAME]-p[PASSWORD]--add-drop-table--no-data[DATABASE]|grep^DROP|mysql-u[USERNAME]-p[PASS...
mysql> grent all on *.* to `user`@`localhost`; mysql> flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec). 1. 2. 3. 4、向数据库施加读锁 mysql> FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 1.
一、MySQL清空表数据三种方法1.1 清空表数据:truncatesql命令#清空多张表、库中所有表的数据truncate table table_name1,table_name2,...table table_name;drop table if exists table_name;注意:drop会删除整个...
sh -d[dbname]-u[dbuser]-p[dbpassword] Replace[dbname],[dbuser], and[dbpassword]with your actual database name, user, and password. Now all tables from your chosen database should be removed. MySQL drop all tables from MySQL Workbench ...
declare num number; begin select count(*) into num from all_tables where TABLE_NAME = 'tt-1' and OWNER='ODBC'; if num=1 then execute immediate 'drop table "tt-1"'; end if; end; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. dameng: 同oracle。
18 MySQL: how to drop multiple tables using single query? 41 MySQL bulk drop table where table like? 3 mysql drop table and cascade delete to all references to the table 10 Drop All Tables Except One in MySql 2 Drop Several Tables at Once 0 SQL query to drop multiple tables and ...
Config::getInstance()->database['tables_prefix'] =$this->tablesPrefix; $cmd ="mysql -u \"{$user}\" \"--password={$password}\" {$this->dbName} < \"". $deflatedDumpPath ."\" 2>&1"; exec($cmd, $output, $return);if($return !==0) {thrownewException("Failed to load sql ...