Drop all tables in MySQL database Answer: MySQL does not have a command for removing all database table(s) without dropping the database, to do so, you need the following tricks: #mysqldump-u[USERNAME]-p[PASSWORD]--add-drop-table--no-data[DATABASE]|grep^DROP|mysql-u[USERNAME]-p[PASS...
mysqldump -u[USERNAME] -p[PASSWORD] --add-drop-table --no-data [DATABASE] | grep ^DROP | mysql -u[USERNAME] -p[PASSWORD] [DATABASE] In the above, [USERNAME], [PASSWORD] & [DATABASE] are all the details for your database. You might not need the username and password fields - ...
An answer on StackOverflowherehas also provided a method for dropping all MySQL tables without the manual step of copying and pasting the Drop Table statements: SETFOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;SETGROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN=32768;SET@tables=NULL;SELECTGROUP_CONCAT('`',table_name,'`')INTO@tablesFROMinformatio...
Copy and paste the output of the SELECT query (the list of DROP TABLE statements) and run it in the MySQL prompt. This will drop all the tables in the selected database. Method #2: MySQL DROP All Tables in a single command There is another way to drop all tables from a MySQL datab...
MySQLMySQL Table SQL Query to Drop All Tables Empty and Recreate the Database Verification of Deleted Tables This tutorial demonstrates several ways a user can drop all tables in MySQL and lists sample scripts to make it possible. The reason why you can’t outright drop all tables in a singl...
Mysql drop all tables using a shell script But if you don’t want to recreate the database for some reason, then the next solution would be to usemysqldumpcommand line tool to generate a set ofDROP TABLEstatements from your database. ...
database_name:要删除的数据库名称。 IF EXISTS:可选项。如果指定,MySQL 在数据库存在时删除它;如果数据库不存在,则不会产生错误。 3. 示例操作 3.1 删除数据库 要删除一个名为 testdb 的数据库,可以使用以下命令: DROP DATABASE testdb; 如果testdb 数据库存在且当前用户具有删除权限,该命令将删除数据库及...
Then you list all the available tables from the current database: SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = db_name; And delete all tables on by one from the list: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table2; ...
Dropping a database does not remove anyTEMPORARYtables that were created in that database.TEMPORARYtables are automatically removed when the session that created them ends. SeeSection, “CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Statement”. You can also drop databases withmysqladmin. SeeSection 6.5.2, “...
Database"RUNOON"dropped 使用PHP脚本删除数据库 PHP使用 mysqli_query 函数来创建或者删除 MySQL 数据库。 该函数有两个参数,在执行成功时返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE。 语法 mysqli_query(connection,query,resultmode); 删除数据库 以下实例演示了使用PHP mysql...