Drop all tables in MySQL database Answer: MySQL does not have a command for removing all database table(s) without dropping the database, to do so, you need the following tricks: #mysqldump-u[USERNAME]-p[PASSWORD]--add-drop-table--no-data[DATABASE]|grep^DROP|mysql-u[USERNAME]-p[PASS...
This morning I am faced with a task that will involve repeatedly dropping and reimporting a lot of data. MySQL has DROP TABLE and DROP DATABASE but there is no command to drop all tables or truncate the database. [adsense:468x60:4496506397] After finding a reference on the MySQL Lists ...
Method 1: MySQL Drop All Tables with SQL Method 2: Drop All Tables In One Script Method 3: Drop All Tables in MySQL Workbench Conclusion Why Drop All Tables? Removing all of the tables in the database will remove all of the data in the tables, giving you what looks like an empty dat...
mysql -u root -p db_name<./temp.sql This will work easier if you have knowledge over console commands and have MySQL set up in your path variable. Verification of Deleted Tables To verify whether all tables actually were deleted, we can check the database if it still outputs the tables...
mysql -u root -p db_name < ./temp.sql 3. Using TablePlus GUI Tool: Connect to the target database Select all tables from the left sidebar Right-click and choose delete, or simply hit delete button PressCmd + Sto commit changes to the server ...
mysql -u your_username -p your_database_name < drop_tables.sql This method runs the script from the drop_tables.sql file, generating the DROP TABLE statements and executing them to delete all tables in the specified database. Using this method, you can DELETE ALL the tables in any MySQL...
sh drop-all-tables.sh -d[dbname]-u[dbuser]-p[dbpassword] Replace[dbname],[dbuser], and[dbpassword]with your actual database name, user, and password. Now all tables from your chosen database should be removed. MySQL drop all tables from MySQL Workbench ...
database_name:要删除的数据库名称。 IF EXISTS:可选项。如果指定,MySQL 在数据库存在时删除它;如果数据库不存在,则不会产生错误。 3. 示例操作 3.1 删除数据库 要删除一个名为 testdb 的数据库,可以使用以下命令: DROP DATABASE testdb; 如果testdb 数据库存在且当前用户具有删除权限,该命令将删除数据库及...
15.1.24 DROP DATABASE Statement DROP{DATABASE|SCHEMA}[IFEXISTS]db_name DROP DATABASEdrops all tables in the database and deletes the database. Beverycareful with this statement! To useDROP DATABASE, you need theDROPprivilege on the database.DROP SCHEMAis a synonym forDROP DATABASE. ...
You can also create databases with mysqladmin. See Section 4.8. DROP DATABASE Syntax DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] db_name DROP DATABASE drops all tables in the database and deletes the database. If you do a DROP DATABASE on a symbolic linked database, both the link and the original data...