中文名:Prep China Driving License Prep China Driving License软件官方版是为外国人打造的多语言驾考学习软件,为在中国的外国人学驾照提供专业的题库和驾考技巧,软件内有很多的题库等你来刷,大家可以在这里轻松的学习相应的知识,可以切换不同的语言,让大家刷题更轻松。 Prep China Driving License最新版介绍 专为...
5 数字与白色背景的彩色照片Digital color photo with white background 注意事项 为什么国际驾照在中国不能使用(Why the international driver's license can not be used in china )国际驾驶执照的公约“签署是在1949年9月,而中国是1949年10月才成立的。所以,这是国际驾照在中国不能使用的主要原因The In...
However, according to China's traffic law, foreign driving licenses are illegal in China, and those with licenses issued not in the Chinese mainland should take written tests with the police to get a local license. So Gu, who hadn’t t...
【within the scope of foreign driving license】the vehicle must be in the same category as stated in the applicant's foreign motor vehicle driving license.【consistent with the type of the vehicle brought into china】for those who drive motor vehicles temporarily brought into china by themselves,...
A temporary driving permit is used to drive “motor vehicles temporarily brought into China” or “rented motor vehicles in China.” The specific motor vehicle types to be driven are under the following rules: 【不超过境外驾证范围】应当符合申请人所持境外机动车驾驶证的准驾车型。 【Within the s...
Prep China Driving License App,是一款多语言驾照考试软件,支持英语、日语、韩语、语法、德语以及阿拉伯语,方便使用不同语言的用户都能在手机上学好驾考知识。 产品特色 获得您的中国驾驶执照考试。你很快就会通过考试。 问题已更新至最新版本,并在过去 4 年中根据来自中国各地的用户反馈不断改进。 中国驾照考试现在包...
You cannot drive with an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) in mainland China; China has not signed the convention which created IDPs. You need a Chinese license to drive in China. Yunnan Exploration can help you to get the China Driver’s License.
★Foreign driving license. 如果你的境外驾驶证是非中文表述的,还需要把驾驶证翻译成中文。可以通过翻译机构的电子邮箱申请翻译;也可以到公安车管办事窗口,由工作人员协助申请翻译。 If your foreign driving license is not in Chinese, you ne...
Questions are up to the latest version and are constantly improved by user feedback from all over China for the last 4 years. china driving license test now includes the new multiple-answer questions which were recently introduced.Study for the official exam in English, Korean, Japanese, Arabic...
Full Driver’s License (time consuming): This driver’s license is for foreigners visiting China for over three months or plan on staying in China long term as it is good for 6 years. 正式驾照(耗时):该驾照适用于访问中国超过三个月或计划长期留在中国的外国人,因为它有效期为 6 年。 Provisio...