Get your Chinese driver's license, pass the exam on your first try. Questions are up to the latest version and are constantly improved by user feedback from all…
2. No residential area restriction, no onsite in-person procedure. 3. All procedure can be finished in 7~10 working days, efficient and convenient. 4. With Hertz Certification, your Chinese driver’s license will be acknowledged by Hertz location in North America, Europe, Australia and New Ze...
Key: the foreign driver's license is test free in exchange for a driver's license in China, driver's license type is C1 and below C1 driver's license.It only needs to attend a Chinese driver's license subject1 (the company provide free English test exercises for the written part , and...
4. A Driver’s license health exam (驾驶员体检 jiashiyuan tijian). This is a specialized test required for driving licenses that can be done cheaply at most (but not all) hospitals in Beijing (If you speak Chinese, call ahead and ask if they offer the 驾驶员体检 jiashiyuan tijian exam...
临时驾照/Temporary Driver's Licence The process of changing the formal driver's license 换领正式驾驶证的流程 Step 1:Translate a foreign driver's license and passport into Chinese. 第一步:翻译外国驾照为中文 Submit documents including translations of foreign driver's licenses in the business hall of...
Tips for expats to get Chinese driver"s license 在沪外籍人士如何取得中国驾照2017-09-12 21:09:19 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: Tips技巧expats外籍人士Chinesedriver"slicense中国驾照Shanghai Live上海国际频道全部评论 请先登录后发表评论 暂无评论,快来发表你的评论吧...
how to get a Chinese driver's license 答案 在昆明:带护照,派出所的居留证明,3张1寸照片,外国的驾照及在国防路2号的翻译工作者协会做的中文翻译到城东南的经济技术开发区(沿着彩云北路的方向)的车管所办理.有一个笔试的驾驶理论题,对老外有些不容易,需要学习呀!5分钟的简单体检(12块),30块的理论书,60块...
Foreign nationals applying for motor vehicle driver’s license shall meet the requirements for driver’s license specified by the department for public security under the State Council; and after passing the examination, the...
Latest guidance for China Driver's License's exam preparation 如何在电脑上使用ChineseDriverLicense小程序 ChineseDriverLicense是一款小程序,通常在手机上使用。如果您想在电脑上使用ChineseDriverLicense,可以使用应用宝电脑版。它能在电脑上运行Android13系统,使您能够全面体验ChineseDriverLicense小程序的丰富功能。按照...
证件有效期以驾驶证签注有效期为准 Expiry date depends on the validity of the driver's license endorsement Charge: 10元每本工本费 RMB 10 For more,Pls refer to our website: or contact us for further information:0755-82347561 / wechat: 136 6220 4343发布...