Cut out potholes and badly damaged areas to the base material and patch them with packaged asphalt mix or, at a somewhat higher cost, special pothole patching material. The specialty material typically is more flexible and easier to use. The patches even work in wet conditions and can be ...
Looking to build or repair your asphalt driveway or parking lot? You came to the right place! Give us a call for free instant quote!
If you don’t fix cracks in time, moisture will seep down and cause the gravel underneath the asphalt to crumble. The result is a big ugly pothole, not unlike what you see on a poorly maintained road. The best way to resolve the issue is through a pothole patch—again,Henry offers an...
Aquaphalt is an environmentally friendly, permanent cold patch that provides permanent asphalt, driveway, utility cut and manhole repair.
severity of the hole and traffic patterns we determine whether a blacktop overlay can repair the pothole or if the asphalt needs to be cut out and repaired. After the pothole has been repaired with the asphalt we go around the patch with hot AC tar which will seal the area and keep it ...